Psylla frodobagginsi

May 27, 2014 18:00

      Martoni F., Armstrong R. 2019. Resolving an 87-year-old taxonomical curiosity with the description of Psylla frodobagginsi sp. nov. (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Psyllidae), a second distinct Psylla species on the New Zealand endemic plant kōwhai // PLoS ONE 14 (9): e0221316. [электронное издание]. (Описание: с. 5/14, автор вида только Martoni.)

Регистрации электронной публикации с номенклатурным актом и вида, описанного в электронном издании, в ЗооБанке (согласно ICZN):


Из первоописания, fig. 2 (a, c - самка и b, d - самец), масштаб - 500μm.

Этимология (первоописание, с. 8/14): "The name Psylla frodobagginsi refers to Frodo Baggins, one of the main characters of J.R.R. Tolkien’s literary trilogy commonly referred to as “The Lord of the Rings” [25, 26, 27]. In the books, Frodo Baggins is a hobbit, a member of a fictitious race similar to humans, but of smaller size. The name was chosen due to the smaller size of this psyllid species, together with the fact it is native to New Zealand. The cinematographic sets for P. Jackson’s movie trilogy “The Lord of the Rings” were for the majority placed in the South Island, reflecting the proportional distribution of the psyllid’s endemic host Sophora microphylla."

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