Asthenodipsas lasgalenensis

May 28, 2014 18:20

      Loredo A.I., Wood P.L. Jr., Quah E.S.H., Anuar S., Greer L.F., Ahmad N., Grismer L. 2013. Cryptic speciation within Asthenodipsas vertebralis (Boulenger, 1900) (Squamata: Pareatidae), the description of a new species from Peninsular Malaysia, and the resurrection of A. tropidonotus (Lidth de Jude, 1923) from Sumatra: an integrative taxonomic analysis // Zootaxa. 3664(4): 505-524. (Описание: с. 514.)

Картинки: самец (наверху) и самка, голотип и паратип, соответственно.

Картинки из первоописания, fig. 2 (partim).

Этимология: "The specific epithet lasgalenensis is derived from the name Eryn Lasgalen which means in the “Wood of Greenleaves” in the fictional Sindarian language from J.R.R Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings (1955). It was the name used by the Wood Elves for the Mirkwood Forest after its cleansing following the War of the Ring. This name was chosen because Tolkien’s (1955) description of this forest showed great similarity to the cloudy, upland forests within which this species is found" (op. cit., p. 516).

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