This weeks is a theme I wanted to do do for ages. It's summer. I know summer is almost over, but let's cherish the last weeks ne~ ♥
Looking forward towards your submissions. :3
Please post like this: member(s): Yokoo Wataru
× You may submit up to 3 icons
× Your icon must feature at least one current member of Johnny's Jr
× Icons must be Lj compatible - 100x100 pixels and max 40KB
× NO animated icons.
× Do not enter an icon not made by you or entered in another icontest
× The icon must be new and not shown until voting is done
× Entries have to be submitted until September 5th, 2008 8:00 pm
CEST× Please don't delete your icons until the voting post is up.
× Have fun! ♥
All comments will be screened.
Happy icon making! ♥