A couple of tests

Nov 29, 2008 02:17

Your result for The Golden Compass Daemon Test...

Jokester Soul

You are a confident person with a strong sense of self. You can be loud and jocular, and you don't really care who hears you. You don't spend too much time stressing about how other people see you. If they like you, well, good for them. If they don't like you, well, that's their own problem.
People need to earn your respect in order for you to really start taking them into consideration. You might bend yourself over backwards for a friend or family member, but you aren't going to give that sort of special treatment to any old Joe Blow. Your loved ones know that under that bold, brash exterior, there is a person who is loyal and even clannish at times. You will fight to defend your friends and family from any and all comers. With these special few, you drop that joking exterior and be your real self.
Your daemon's form would represent your confident ways, your joking and insensitive manner, and your secret tendency for softheartedness. He or she would probably help you criticize all the idiots whom you meet on a day to day basis, and back you up when you are on the defensive.

Suggested forms:
Magpie, Raven, Kangaroo, Wild Boar.

Take The Golden Compass Daemon Test
at HelloQuizzy

Your result for The Animal Archetype Test...

The Dog

Domestic, Gregarious, Serious and Emtional: you are the Dog!

Companionship, loyalty, protection. Dog medicine can often teach us how to be a good friend, the power of forgiveness, and how to love unconditionally. Dog people tend to have good intuition, keen senses and quick-learning, intelligent minds.

Take The Animal Archetype Test
at HelloQuizzy


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