I believe I commented on your hilarity in my "what the hell?" comment above.
Oh, yeah, and just because Sean's not around to give you your weekly reminder: you are gay.
And to answer the rest of your questions: my favorite color is green, I speak godzilla-ese (insert godzilla-noise here), I'm a she-male, you haven't talked to me in a while because you are a tool, you are dead-on about my fantasy, and I think you rigged some of these questions.
dude, you just used the term "good tricks" in your last post. unless you're talking about a cereal, the amazing mumford or a whore orgy you have no right dicussing anyone's sexual orientation. that will be 5 our fathers and 2 hail marys for the sin of using a gay term. next time just use neato.
Comments 7
I have an idea though, how about commenting on the hilarity of what I wrote about you. Huh? Huh?
Oh, yeah, and just because Sean's not around to give you your weekly reminder: you are gay.
And to answer the rest of your questions: my favorite color is green, I speak godzilla-ese (insert godzilla-noise here), I'm a she-male, you haven't talked to me in a while because you are a tool, you are dead-on about my fantasy, and I think you rigged some of these questions.
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