More Farscape fic

Oct 17, 2005 00:51

Author: Jules
Summary: Itty bitty ficlet where John takes advantage. Innuendo abounds
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Set in season 2.
Distribution: If you want it take it, just tell me.
Disclaimer: Not mine, mores the pity.

This was one of the good days.

*Slide of leather against skin, pulled taught with the strain, molding to her curves.*

He was the luckiest man from Earth that ever got lost.

*Lithe body stretched and contorted in just the right position.*

All those workouts did wonders for the woman's stamina.

*T-shirt pulled askew.*

Flashes of skin to tantalize and tease. Drive him wild.

*Grunts of effort.*

He'd replay that sound, loop it in his head, add layers to his fantasies.

*Fingers slick with lubricant.*

Damn that stuff got everywhere - must be that superior alien brand.

"Yeah that's it Aeryn. Hold it right there"

"When I agreed to help upgrade your module I assumed you'd be doing some of the work yourself Crichton."

"Hey I'm only human remember? Sometimes I need to watch before I see to it myself. Then again sometimes I like company..."

FIN (?)


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