(no subject)

Aug 15, 2006 11:22

God im so fucking tired of having to deal with this. My mother-in-law is making me insane. I have done everything I can think of to try and make them accept me as part of their family. I have been with her damn son for 10 years, i have busted my ass saving hers time and time again. I have done so much to help her out and try to make life easier. I have done everything i can possibly do and i still am treated like some idiot 16yr old who has no idea about life or how things should be done.

Im tired of being undermined when it comes to my daughter and how i raise her. she is MY daughter. I can understand if she wants to offer advice or suggestions, but when it comes down to it she is MINE. I can raise her, discipline her, instill in her the values that i want and it is fully at my and Tony's discretion.

Im so tired of having to remold her everytime she comes home from a day with her grandma. Im also tired of everytime i tell her no she cant have or do something that deb (granma) has the audacity to argue about it with me INFRONT of her. If i say no, then it means no, dont sit there and say "but its just a piece of candy". Obviously i dont want her to have it or i would have said yes, and arguing about it with me just makes me look bad infront of my daughter. or it makes me look like the bad guy. How dare her! She has no right to even try to give me parenting advice. Until she can actually raise a child on her own fuck off! She gave up her son when he was 2 to be raised by his father. So what advice can she actually give me??

Then to make things worse she apparantly is constantly bitching about me and how i jump her shit (not true) to her husband so guess what? He thinks im this horrible person. Ok, so after 10 years you think he would have taken the time to actually form an opinion based on being around me and seeing everything i do for her. But NOOOOO. Im obviously a bitch and a bad mom and fucked up person.

You say my child is a spoiled brat? Guess what asshole its your bitch of a wife who made her that way. Think she has the nerve to act like that when shes at home with me? Damn right she doesnt. You establised a pattern of behaviour that i warned you about, so you had a chance, now you can deal with the consequences. Im done. Done trying to gain your approval. Done trying to make everything nice and just bite my tongue. From now on i will be civil but im going to avoid you all like the plague. Life is too short to have to deal with this everytime deb flips out over something. . .


ok done with my rant.
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