Racist parasite found on PORN!

Jan 23, 2008 16:53

A few days ago I receive the following email from a group mailing list of friends. I feel, for my own benefit more than anyone elses, the need to deconstruct my opposition to it.

I'm posting this as the raw, original text, minus the poorly thumbnailed porn of naked women that was liberally smattered throughout.

FW: Australian Perspective on Terrorism

Bloody good idea!

We can do this !!
I'll forward anything if it will help fight terrorism.

We all know that it is a sin for an Islamic male to see any woman other than his wife naked, and that he must commit suicide if he does.

So next Sunday at 4:00 PM Eastern time, all Australian women are asked to walk out of their house completely naked to help weed out any neighbourhood terrorists. Circling your block for one hour is recommended for this anti-terrorist effort.

All men are to position themselves in lawn chairs in front of their house to prove they are not terrorists, and to demonstrate that they think it's okay to see nude women other than their wife and to show support for all Australian women.

And since the Koran also does not approve of alcohol, a cold six-pack at your side is further proof of your anti-terrorist sentiment.

The Australian Government appreciates your efforts to root out terrorists and applauds your participation in this anti terrorist activity.

God bless Australia



I am opposed to this email being forwarded for many reasons. Yes, clearly it is stupid. I can see how it could have been intended as a joke. I like to think that no women or men will follow its instructions.

But at its heart this is an incredibly unfunny racist email. It strikes at the heart of everything Australia is meant to be about. It links being Australian, being patriotic, with being dumb, racist and prone to forwarding every piece of crap in an inbox without thought.

To imply that all Islamic men are terrorist is the clearest example of racism I have ever read. To suggest they must commit suicide after seeing a naked woman is complete ignorance.

While the original author is clearly the worst offender, every person who has forwarded this on has contributed to these ideals. They have condoned these attitudes as healthy. Perhaps I've been over exposed to it as a teacher and feel very strongly that silence in the face of racism is infact to condone it.

"Condone: To overlook, forgive, or disregard (an offense) without protest or censure."

That is something I could not do in this situation and hence I spoke out against it, and do so again here.

I am not a wowser opposed to porn (even when its poorly thumbnailed and clearly not shot on location in sunny Australia.) I am not opposed to blokish ideals that attempt to get women to parade around naked while the men sit back to watch and drink beer. Interest in naked chicks and beer can be seen as normal and healthy in an Australian man.

Ignorant racism is not.

Especially not in the name of patriotism.

I object to the parasitic relationship between porn and racism demonstrated in this email. I am particularly revulsed by this. That simplistic reflexes to images and larrikin ideals are forwarding on dark and deeply racist sentiments.

I like to think that a real Australian, male or female, when faced with such a disappointing show, would make something of the situation. I like to think they would turn it around into a cute and worthy lark. Make it "get naked and drink up for Australia Day!" How about "Celebrate the birth of our nation in your birthday suit!" Even "naked chicks and beer - doesn't get more Aussie than that!"

Forwarding porn is, to some degree, understandable.
Forwarding racist crap is offensive.
Forwarding racist crap while blinded by porn is tragic.

Condoning such actions with silence is equally tragic.

For a similar perspective on the same email. Fourth post down.
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