Thank you to everyone who participated, whether by nominating or voting! Your actions made this possible!
And, with no further ado, we present the winners of the 2008 John and Teyla Awards
John and Teyla - Stargate Atlantis
Best Episode
Winner: Spoils of War
Runner-Up: Doppelganger
Best Drama
Winner: Be All My Sins Remember'd - John's reaction to Teyla's Pregnancy
Runner-Up: Spoils Of War - Teyla vs. the Wraith Queen
Best HC
Winner: Spoils Of War - Balcony Hug
Runner-Up: Doppelganger - John/Teyla hug
Best Whumpage/Fight
Winner: Conversion - Sparring
Runner-Up: Hot Zone - Sparring
Best Humourous Moment
Winner: Quarantine - John worries
Runners-Up: Hot Zone - Teyla whacks John
Best Bittersweet Moment
Winner: Quarantine - The baby kicks
Runner-Up: Return I - the Athosian farewell
John and Teyla - videos
Best Drama/Angst Video
Winners: Sheppynette - Saving Me
LoveConquers - Finding Home
AuntNorah - Search For Teyla
Obfreak - Unfaithful
Nina - Gravity of Love
Best Romantic Video
Winners: Quania - At The Beginning
LoveConquers - Finding Hope
Best Action-Adventure Video
Winners: Stephaflea - I Would Die For You
Mayra - What I’ve Done
Best Humour/Friendship Video
Winner: Nicole - Girlfriend
Runner-Up: LoveConquers - This Boy And That Girl
Best Episode/Season Video
Not awarded due to insufficient nominations.
Best Special Effects Video
Winner: LoveConquers - A Breaking Heart
John and Teyla - art
Best Banners/Sig
Winner: Spectrum - Lost And Found
Runners-Up: Camy - Indomitable
Shivika - Because Of You
Best Manipulation
Winner: ElephantGirl - One Morning Sleeping In
Runner-Up: ElephantGirl - an Evening Of Slow Dancing
Best Wallpaper
Winner: Ubi-Girl - The Way You Love Me
Runners-Up: Camy - Bolero
Camy - True Love
Luciana - Together
Scifan - How You Touch My Heart
Best Icon
Winner: Daniquinn - Icon
Runner-Up: Pentapus - Chibi JT
Best Drawing
Winner: Pentapus - John and Teyla in Formalwear (coloured by Ileliberte)
Runner-Up: Pentapus - John/Teyla Lord of the Rings
Best Animated Icon
Winner: ToElephantGirl - Hot Zone Sparring
Runner-Up: ToElephantGirl - John&Teyla
Best Motivational Poster
Winner: Mrs B - Heartache
Runners-Up: ElephantGirl - Understanding
SciFan - First Aid
John and Teyla - fic
Best Friendship/Humour Fic
Winners: Foreplay - Ruby Caspar
My Kingdom For A ZPM (But I’d Settle For A Bicycle) - Ticklie
Best PreShip/UST Fic
Winners: Pretend - Ruby Caspar
Jungle Heat - Kristen999
Best Romantic Fluff Fic
Winner: Glimpse - Ruby Caspar
Runners-Up: Auction Block - Greenconverses
Discovery - Wedjatqi
Making The First Move - Stephaflea
Pretend - Ruby Caspar
Quicksand - Amalthea
Best Drama/Angst Fic
Winner: Glimpse - Ruby Caspar
Runner-Up: Misappropriations - MrsB
Best Hurt Comfort Fic
Winner: Sojourn - ltlj
Runner-Up: Moment - Azure Horizons
Best Missing Scene/Episode Tag
Winners: Be All My Sins Remember’d - Ruby Caspar
Seawall - Wojelah
Timing Is Everything - Scifan
Best Shortfic/Ramble
Winner: Home Truth - Madjm
Runner-Up: Assurance - Yappichick
Best AU/Other Fic
Winners: Conflicts - Fox666
Evangela - Shusu
Glimpse - Ruby Caspar
Making A House A Home - Wedjatqi
The Barista - Tielan
The Family Way - DevineM
Congratulations to all our winners.
Winners' banners are available in
this post, as is the runner-up banner. (Warning, the link is graphics intensive!)
Thank you for participating and we'll see you next year!