I am not: 16 anymore
I love: Peter
I hate: ...
I fear: planes
I hope: to someday have a career, a husband, a house, and a family, and be happy
I hear: Instant messaging sound
I crave: nothign at the moment
I regret: too many things
I cry: not usually
I care: too much
I always: brush my teeth?!
I believe: .... in life...
I feel alone: sometimes
I listen: well... i'm not deaf.... yet.
I hide: my gum from my bro... otherwise he'll eat it all
I drive: rarely
I sing: when ppl are not around.. hehe
I dance: like a maniac... not very good
I write: only in creative writting...
I play: PS2 w/ my bro sometimes.... hardly
I miss: my baby : (
I search: for answers...?
I learn:... in school i guess, i mean tha's why we have schools... right? lol
I feel: hungry.
I know: way too much.
I say: stupid things that usually get me made fun of.
I succeed: in life...?
I dream: weird things...
I wonder: why the human race is soo evil....
I want: a car, money, to be 25 and stay 25 for ever lol, to go to Europe someday, to be succesful someday and many more things
I have: a headache right now
I give: my sister a headache
I fell: n my ass this morning... the stairs dont' seem to like me
I fight: with my sister... its more like arguing. i can't fight my sis... she's short n viscious.
I need: to do some hw
1. Your name: Edlie
2. Do you like your name?: Yeah
3. If not, what would you change it to?: i wouldnt
4. Your age: 17
5. Do you wish you were younger/older?: idk i'm not in any hurry to grow up n i don't really wanna be younger
6. If so, what age, and how come?: Did I stutter
7. What school are you going to?: i hope i can get into the University of Miami
8. Where is that school located?: Florida
9. Do you get along with your parents?: Yes
10. Do you get along with your siblings: Yes...
11. Do you have a best friend?: best friendsss...
12. Why is that person your best friend?: They're awesome,
13. By the way, who is this person?: My close friends are Kristi Manda n Cayla
14. Do you trust your friends?: yeah
15. Who is one person that you could totally tell anything to?: Uhhhh....
16. Name one person that you used to be friends with, that you wish you could be friends with now: Hm... I don't know
17. Why did that friendship end?: ummm i moved
18. What qualites do you like that your friends have?: they're funny, i can never be bored around then..
19. Do you think you have good friends?: yeah I guess... unless they like seretly hate me or somethign
20. If you could give your best friend (or closest friend) one thing, what would it be?: Money... lots of money... everyone loves money
21. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes : )
22. What is their name?: Peter
23. Are you seeing anyone?: yea... Peter
24. What is their name?: Peter
25. Do you have a crush on anyone?: yeah
26. What is their name? Peter
27. If any of the questions are answered, why do you like the person you are with/have a crush on?: Because i love him... he's my other half, n i'm soo glad we found each other. lol
28. Do they have any qualities, that you would like to have for yourself?: athletic... idk
29. How much time do you like to spend with them?: all the time i can get
30. Were they your friend before you started dating/liking them?: ummm not really we met... then dated for like a week n then that was it.
31. Color?: red.
32. Shampoo?: Neutragena
33. Deodarant?: whatev works.
34. Actor?: idk
35. Actress?: Sandra Bullock. i love her
36. Sandwich?: ham n cheese
37. Bread?: ne kind
38. Animal?: dog...
40. Food?: italian...
**Either or**
41. White or Dark Chocolate?: white
42. Stuffed Animal or Blanket?: blanket
43. Waterbed or regular matress?: regular
44. Morning or Night?: morning
45. Disney or Nick?: Disney
46. Scary or Comedy?: comedy
47. Get up early or sleep the day away?: get up early
48. Job or School?: uhhh neither
49. Phone or Internet?: internet
50. Garlic or French bread?: French bread
**With or Without**
Subject: Hamburger
51. Lettuce?: without
52. Mustard?: without
53. Ketchup?: with
54. Mayo?: with
55. Onions?: without
Subject: Perfect date
57. Guy/Gal with braces?: without
58. Candles?: without
59. Food?: with
60. Sporty car?: without
**Yes or No**
61. Live with your parents?: Yes.
62. Want to live with your parents?: no
63. Have a car?: no
64. Want a car?: yeah!!!
65. Would you do the "Survior" show?: no
66. Would you spend some money on your little/older sibling(s): yeah
67. Would you eat earthworms if your life depended on it?: maybe
68. Would you take a bullet for some of your friends?: ummm not sure bout that. lol jk
69. Do you think that your friends would take a bullet for you?: no
70. Do you wish you were famous?: yeah... why not
71. Why do you think the moon revolves around the earth?: because it does
72. Why was Einstien considered a genius?: Because he had no life soo he looked for ways to complicate our future lives... physics. alond w/ everyother scientist..... jp becasue he was smart
73. Why do some people spend so much time making these stupid surveys?: Boredom.
74. Why do some people spend so much time filling out these stupid surveys?: Boredom... have no life
75. Why do you enjoy the company of your friends?: because i do... i hate being alone
76. Why are some people accused of "chewing like a cow?: Because they eat with their mouths open...
78. Why when you leave the door open, you are asked if you were raised in a barn?: uhhh
79. Why do women complain so much about the seat being left up, and guys don't complain when the seat is down?: Because guys can see where they're peeing, girls just plunge blindly and sometimes fall in.
80. Why do most Americans spend most of their day sitting, and then complain that they are over weight?: becasue they can....
81. Does your grandma still pinch your cheeks?: no
82. Has any of your relatives bought you clothing that you dispised, but you wore, just so they wouldn't be insulted?: hahaha yes
83. What nick names did you develop from your relatives?: gorda...
84. Which realitive could you consider "cool"?: my Aunt Teresa n Aunt Saida they are sooo funny
85. Can you really say that you would go in public with some of your relatives and NOT be embarassed?: yeah....
86. Do you have any embarrassing home videos that your relatives have threatened to show on your wedding day?: not particularly
87. When you started dating people, did the baby pics come out of the closet?: Nah.
88. Have you ever been to a family reunion?: yes
89. What is the most embarrassing moment that you have encountered with your relatives?: I don't know.
90. Do you have a favorite relative?: Not really
**Friends Part 2**
91. Do your friends stand differently in your mind?: yeah...
92. What does "hanging out" consist of?: ... trying to find somthing to do... idk hanging?!?1
93. How many close friends do you have?: a few
94. Do you have one ultimate BEST friend?: No
95. Why do you consider that person your best friend?: ....
96. If you are "taken" at the moment, do you consider your significant other as one of your close friends?: yes, i tell him everything even stuff i dont' usually tell my girl friends
97. If you have a crush at the moment, is this person one of your close friends?: .....
98. Do you believe that a relationship will last longer if the person is one of your close friends?: Not exactly.
99. What is one thing that attracts you to the opposite sex?: Sweet, honest, legs n eyes
100. Are you thankful for your friends?: Yes