Okay, looks like I am gonna rant a bit here so for those who haven't seen Monday's finale for Castle I'm putting everything behind the cut.
So, I think as a Caskett shipper I am the only one out there unhappy with the ending of this season. Yes, Castle and Beckett end the episode kissing and touching and from the looks of it heading to his bedroom to do the horizontal tango. But in reality, I was just mad at just about everyone in this episode and wish Rick had said no to Kate's advances when she showed up all wet and fresh from her epiphany.
Earlier in the show she learns from Castle that he knew for a year that Captain Montgomery had set up a 'protection' plan for her and Castle had been tasked with steering her clear of her mom's case to protect her. She gets indignant and all the rest, reminiscent of the season 3 finale but where it differs is that last year Kate got SHOT not too soon following his rant about her pursuing the case would get her killed! Did her months in therapy teach her nothing about why people would want to help and protect her? Did she not understand that yes, a man who loves you is gonna do everything in his power to keep you from getting shot AGAIN?? But no, she disses Rick and makes him declare how he loves her and then tepidly throws in it shouldn't be a surprise for her since she's known for a year.... and that's it. He makes no demand on her to fess up why she lied to him, lied for the same year about having not heard and comprehended his declaration. Its okay to lie to him but he can't lie to her - a double standard I am not cool with.
So when Castle says he's done, I expected to have them estranged until next season. We did it in seasons 1 & 2 (and it was always his fault too - funny how that works... Kate is just so good she never makes a mistake or is wrong... yes, that's sarcasm) so I thought maybe we'd set it up for Kate to finally get a set and man up and tell Castle she understood, how she would want to protect him if the roles were reversed and how she was wrong to have lied about knowing he'd told her he loved her. Make her have to come to him for a change (not counting the whole 'oh, Castle's here, I'm dumping Demming in the same breath as I try to hook up with Rick to find out he's "moving on" because I waited too long' thing).
Instead she nearly dies (again) but is rescued because Ryan isn't an idiot (what the hell Esposito... did they remove your brain this episode? Where's the bad ass from "Kill Shot" who was smart and strong in the face of off the rails Beckett?), goes and sits on the swings in the rain and shows up at Castle's with her new reality. And without an apology. And he buckles under her 'I chose you over my mom's case' thing.
Just too... neat for my tastes.
Part of me is actually hoping for one of the two of them to wake up the morning after and realize they screwed this up; that they have now started the relationship on a flawed foundation. And then have to tear it down to start over. Then maybe they could have them both come to this as equals.
So yeah... not the happiest of campers even if I probably should be.
Ms. J.