It's been a really nuts... existence, lately. Especially the last week.
Extensions on the mid-term for medical reasons are a nice feature of school.
As well as photo documentaries of substance abuse.
Coming home tomorrow. With Emma and Clio. We shall have a delightful time.
Sleeping in my own bed for the second time in... seventeen days? Going to be so confusing. Not looking forward to it, precisely. This is going to be a long week.
How did I ever get so lucky? I spend half my time feeling guilty this boy is so unbelievably nice. Example: I sprain my ankle. He immediately launches into nursemaid-mode, calls his mom, an R.N., gets my leg elevated and iced and feeds me painkillers. Later, takes me to the hospital. Took me back to my brother's, took care of me there, then spent the entire next day at the hospital with me. When we finally got out of there, insisted I move into his room for several days so he could better take care of me.
And that's just this one situation. That's nothing on everything else he puts up with from me. I don't really get why, but hey, I'm almost at the point where I'm not even going to argue with someone who feels the need to treat me like a princess. In my more teenage-years, I tended to get bored of people being too nice to me. Not enough of a challenge.
But I'm really loving this, not gonna lie. It's a pretty amazing feeling.
*Deleted more rambling about the same as before. Just repetitive. But amazing and loving and kind and brilliant and talented boyfriend who makes me happy and consistently claims to believe in my perfection and who earlier recounted the tale of one day early in the year that I walked into tutorial and he was just floored by how pretty I was? And also claims that I'm one of the most amazing, strongest people he's ever known? By God, I think it's reasonable to want to ramble about that.* (Re-reading that, something's occurred to me. Maybe he's delusional? 'Twould explain quite a lot.)