Title: Phone Call
Genre: Mystery, Romance
Pairing: RyoDa, RyoUchi
Summary: I'll think about it first.
Disclaimer: I own ALL of them. For violent reactions talk to my hand.
Warning: Girl!Ueda, Girl!Uchi
"I hate call waiting," Tatchan said. "It always interrupts at the wrong time. Hold on a sec, okay?"
"Okay." Ryo agreed.
More clicks. Then silence.
When Tatchan returned to Ryo a few seconds later, her voice was trembling and weak. "Ryo, please----come over! Come over here right away!"
"Tatchan? What's wrong?" Ryo demanded.
"The voice on the phone. It was horrible, Ryo. He said he was going to kill me!"
A/N: Okay, so the prologue is short, sue me! lol