Title: Her Fascination
Pairing: possible JunDa?
Genre: I've no idea whatsoever
Summary: She's watching and she's enjoying it.
Disclaimer: The characters are ALL mine! Sinong papalag diyan? LABAS!! ^^V
A/N: This is a super belated birthday fic for Madam
pautami. This is somewhat the continuation of this
Hi! I'm back! Missed me? What? You don't know me? It's me, Madam! Remember me now? You know, I'm the owner of this small diner in a small town of this small country.
These past months, I've been observing these very interesting customers that frequented this establishment. It was a pair of odd males. This feminine looking guy with the dark haired guy (he's pretty short in my opinion). They would always come in the afternoon. But lately, I don't see the short guy anymore. The pretty feminine-looking guy (who lookes manly now with his new hairstyle) was alone when he came a few weeks ago, just like today.
'Did they break up?' I wonder.
I wish they did.
I don't think they suit each other anyway.
I think the girly-looking-guy-turne-manly-man deserved another person. Like that ever-smiling customer who I noticed staring at him last week.
They're so bagay! I love it na!
So, what's gonna happen next?