x so suck your so called pity down. hey, that`s not so bad, is it?

Feb 10, 2005 14:52

elavator, elavator. take me home. says:

so cassie, tell me a story.

elavator, elavator. take me home. says:

using your wonderful english magics.

...you've made a fool of everyone... says:

ah. isa seeing yous be wantin me stories from olden days.

elavator, elavator. take me home. says:

yes i be liking that.

...you've made a fool of everyone... says:

right, well twas' a long time ago, in the dark years of *duh duh duh* 2005. this story begins at a highschool called Centennial CVI, where two students are being held, and forced to look up such crap as baby diapers. their names, Thug and Hippie. Now these are two strange people. Hippie has a child who she hates, and Thug goes around asking people to "get naked and we can like..do it" but no

...you've made a fool of everyone... says:

matter how strange they were, nothing came close to Bent.

...you've made a fool of everyone... says:

No one understood Bent, she was everywhere. sometimes it would seem like she was sleeping, but when someone said anything drinking or drug related, it was like she had been up the whole time. she also said random things at the wierdest times. for instance, she could be writing at a desk and all of a sudden look up, say "rainbow" and get back to writing.

...you've made a fool of everyone... says:

thses three girls were friends, but always plotted against eachother to have to best prank pulled by the end of the year......

...you've made a fool of everyone... says:


elavator, elavator. take me home. says:

haha you jerk, keep going.

me (thug) and hippie are on the edge`s of our seats over here.

...you've made a fool of everyone... says:

haha, but im not the greatest story teller.

elavator, elavator. take me home. says:

keep going or you die.

...you've made a fool of everyone... says:

but i dont know where to story goes.

elavator, elavator. take me home. says:

fine..i will finish it.

...you've made a fool of everyone... says:


...you've made a fool of everyone... says:


elavator, elavator. take me home. says:

so. one day, bent was writing about rainbows and other things nobody understands (well, nobody sober), thug was wandering the halls asking people to "get naked" so they could "like, do it", hippie was taking care of her screaming plastic child. damn hippies and their free love..she should have had an abortion, if you ask me. ANYWAYS.

thug asked hippie if she would like to..yes, you guessed it..

elavator, elavator. take me home. says:

GET NAKED, AND LIKE...............DO IT.

elavator, elavator. take me home. says:

so they got naked and like, did it.

elavator, elavator. take me home. says:

and they both got std`s and died.

elavator, elavator. take me home. says:

...and bent lived happily ever after with her rainbows. and what not.

elavator, elavator. take me home. says:

the end, bitches.

...you've made a fool of everyone... says:

bravo *claps*

...you've made a fool of everyone... says:

best story ever.

elavator, elavator. take me home. says:

i`d like to think so.

elavator, elavator. take me home. says:

so, i`d like to thank my mom. my dad. my hippie. my loser. and my.....ability to get naked and like, do it.

..then cassie left. frik.

over and out.

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