Reading: Accelerando, plus a bunch of books of Herbert Bayer's work so I can knock it off.
Planning: Completion of a workshop for welding, forging, electric motorcycle maintenance, bike frame building, machining, aicraft construction, &c.
Wearing: Just my biking baggy shorts. I suppose I'll put on some more when I make it outside, which should happen soon.
Writing: Trying to make Burning Rubber work, editing Shock:, designing a book cover for Evan Torner, designing a poster for JiffyCon, and probably something else.
Comments 10
Planning: Essay on "Are humans like animals?"
Wearing: Black jeans, black shoes, burgundy top.
Writing: Essay on attachment theory.
Man, I just wrote your paper for you. Edit it just a little for grammar trouble and that shit is done.
I won't even charge you for it.
Good luck with your essays, Graham.
Similarly, my attachment theory essay essentially says "It's all shit".
Good luck with yours too.
Planning: Weekend with my brother before he moves away.
Wearing: Boring work clothes. Green and tan.
Writing: Nothin'.
Planning: First session of With Great Power this weekend.
Wearing: Hiking boots, light brown dockers, black longsleeve t-shirt.
Writing: Some enrichment scene ideas for my WGP villains.
Planning: As little as possible.
Wearing: Khakis, t-shirt, shoes.
Writing: A press release for my company.
Planning: Completion of a workshop for welding, forging, electric motorcycle maintenance, bike frame building, machining, aicraft construction, &c.
Wearing: Just my biking baggy shorts. I suppose I'll put on some more when I make it outside, which should happen soon.
Writing: Trying to make Burning Rubber work, editing Shock:, designing a book cover for Evan Torner, designing a poster for JiffyCon, and probably something else.
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