Reading: Ah reading on vacation, just me, a couch, a book and some pooches. I tore through Gentlemen of the Road by Michael Chabon but then I figured I'd like a book whose running title was Jews with Swords. Gentlemen made me pine for the
13 CitiesJust finished Vance's Dragon Masters and am digging into another novella included in the same book,
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Comments 6
Of course the real comparison is with Leiber.
I've been reading Live Without a Net, a load of stories, many steampunkish, about SF worlds without an internet. Rogue Farm by Stross is the pick so far for me but there is much goodness.
And I've been dealing with the post-Gen Con thing, jet lag and work. It's not been too bad.
Planning: To watch kids trying to float stuff, prior to writing a report about it.
Wearing: Polo shirt and shorts.
Writing: I'm laying out A Taste For Murder and writing the final bits for it.
Planning: How to survive a week at both jobs
Wearing: Sleep clothes still
Writing: Not much.
Reading: Still working on Desolation Road. Also reading the non-fiction book London Orbital - author Iain Sinclair hikes all the way round London in a series of walks paralleling the M25 motorway. By following an arbitrary physical path instead of a social one - from work to job, job to local pub, pub to local grocery store, etc - he passes through all these odd places that he would normally never see. Fascinating stuff
Planning: Cleaning up boxes from the move. Turning my garage into a mini-studio for art stuff.
Wearing: Office casual, same as usual
Arting: Not sure yet. Little sketches, maybe a gelatin monoprint, maybe more altering of the Ars Magica rulebook I bought.
Reading: The Steel Remains. FINALLY.
Planning: Weekend with the girlie, Depeche Mode concert on Sunday.
Wearing: As little as possible since it's about 90F in my office right now.
Writing: More gtalk than I should, although I do love helping my peeps hash out game designs.
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