Sam in 4x14

Feb 06, 2009 19:51

Some thoughts about Sam in Sex and Violence

I don't know if I'm the only one who feels this way, but I really wasn't satisfied with how Sam was written in this episode. What Sam said to Dean under the siren's spell felt very OOC to me. I mean, there hasn't been any signs of Sam feeling that way earlier and basically it made Sam look like a first class asshole. This episode would have been so much more satisfying to me if Sam had said something about Dean lying to him about his time in Hell etc, because imho, Sam has as much stuff to feel angry about as Dean has but this episode just made Sam look like a selfish dick. I blame this on the writing, but it also got me thinking that if the writers are just trying to get the viewers to hate Sam so killing him off at the end of the series would be easier. I don't really like that thought since I would like to see the brothers make it out of this alive or atleast together. Together in death is better than alive and apart, in my opinion.

I also have a feeling that Sam doesn't really have any other reason to live at the moment than to get revenge on Lilith. He loves Dean, ofcourse he does, but kinda like his father neglected Sam and Dean in order to hunt down YED, Sam is neglecting his brother trying to hunt down Lilith. So, in my opinion things are looking very hopeless for Sam. Things are clearly heading down to the brother vs. brother storyline, I think the question now is will they both come out of it alive or not. If one of them dies, my money is on Sam.

If someone has some hopeful theories about how they think for some reason that the brothers will make it out of this alright, then I'd like to hear it because I feel like crying at the moment, haha.  
I'd like to hear your thoughts too.
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