Characters Saeki and Ryoga
Rating PG
Summary Neither Saeki nor Ryoga can sleep. And when they do want to sleep, dorms are hard to find. Thankfully classrooms are sometimes unlocked.
Warning Sweet enough to rot your teeth? That and abuse of classroom.
Sleep was not coming to him too easy that night. And Saeki had decided that going out for a stroll in the calming night air would be conductive to the same. Bad idea. He had forgotten how chilly said night air could be. And that he should have worn a heavier sweate. That and it was God knows what time of the night, and he was plain lost. And now he was getting sleepy too. Great.
Ryoga usually slept rather easily, but for some reason sleep fled from him tonight. Of course, it might have had something to do with the nightmare he'd had the night before, but it wasn't like he was going to admit that even to himself. Whatever the reason, he found himself wandering out of his dorm -- forbidden or not, he wasn't about to stay there, almost alone in the large hall, though he wasn't sure whether having any dormmates aside from the youngest Fuji and that freaky R.A. would have been better or worse for his sleep.
He was somewhat wary, thinking he might run into a teacher on a last run around the grounds. What he definitely hadn't expected, though, was finding another student outside at this late hour -- and on top of that, it was student he knew.
"Hi there," he said, nodding at Saeki somewhat sleepily. "What're you're doing up at this time of night?"
Saeki nearly blinked when he looked up. Of all the things he wasn't expecting to hear a casual 'hi there' mostly because it was God knows what time of the night. "..Hey...." And especially from Ryoga. For some reason, he wasn't too eager to look like an idiot in front of the other. But then he supposed it was impossible to sound smart about this. "I was .. taking a walk.. well.. kind of..."
Ryoga rolled his eyes, hiding a yawn. "You could have just said you could ask the same from me, you know." He eyed Saeki in lazy inspection. It was unfair, he decided, how the other could look so pretty even in the middle of night. "Couldn't sleep?"
True, he could have just done that... Why did his brain have to work slow in the middle of the night? Saeki ran a hand through his hair,"So.. what are you doing out here at this time of the night?" In this pleasant weather, he was tempted to add. A hint of a sheepish smile played on his lips.
"Me?" Ryoga smirked a bit. "Went out to see whether there'd be any lonesome ghosts in this fine establishment. Turns out I was half right -- your face haunts my dreams." And just why'd he said that, now? Obviously the late hour was messing with his brain.
Wait. That was a pick up line. He wasn't too great with how that stuff worked, but that was a pick up line.......! He stared at Ryoga...or maybe he was imagining things. "I haunt your dreams how?" He ask, voice a bit light. Did he look scary? He hoped Ryoga didn't mean it in literal terms...
"Oh, you know. You're so pretty, I can't think of anything else even in my sleep." Ryoga sighed, then, with another half-hidden yawn. "Look, forget it, okay? I meant no offence. It's late, my mouth's saying things before it gets my brains' approval." Even though he hadn't even been entirely lying...
"It's worrisome if you start dreaming about me you know..." This was a funny way of getting hit on if he was getting hit on that is... Oh well.... Saeki sighed, "You should been in bed if your brain wants to sleep...." by now he had walked upto Ryoga and was standing within arms length.
"Can't. Sleep means dreams. And not all are as pleasant as ones about you. Though I don't understand why those would be so very worrisome..." God, what was wrong with him? If Saeki had disliked even being called pretty, this had to be much worse.
He made a mental note of Saeki walking closer but didn't react in any special way, lacking the familiar associations of tennis and locker rooms in favour of a somewhat sleepy state of mind. If anything, he found himself moving a bit closer, just an inch or two but a far cry from his furious backing away the previous time.
The way Ryoga was talking about dreaming of him did make his face tinge up just slightly. Ryoga, he decided had an odd sense of humor ... But it was bad dreams this time and Saeki's eyes softened a bit, he could let that random pretty boy comment slip for now and save it for later.... There was still the no touching rule, right? "You ok now?" his hand almost touched Ryoga's hair before stopping.
"I... guess." Ryoga sighed. "Just don't want to go to sleep again just yet..." Saeki's hand lingered close, so close, and for a moment he was tempted to just lean forward into the almost-touch, but that would have contradicted what he'd said earlier and he really didn't feel like explaining the difference between the two situations to Saeki, definitely not at this late -- or perhaps early -- an hour. "Why're you up, anyway? Yeah, you told me it's a walk, but there'd probably be better times for that."
"Couldn't sleep. " He wondered if Ryoga was cold too, or for how long the other had been out in the first place. "Thought walking would help and it did but ..." Saeki stifled a yawn, stopping there. The rest Ryoga didnn't have to know. Heck, he had almost said it... "..but you know walking's kind of addictive. " he finished lamely instead of admitting he was directionaly challenged at the time.
"In this cold, when you're falling asleep? I know walking can be fun, but this is a bit too much. Shouldn't you, you know, head for bed already? Get warm, too." Ryoga found himself getting uncharacteristically concerned. He hadn't been outside for too long, but he was already feeling the cold -- the regulation pyjamas weren't much protection against the coldness of the night.
"Are you cold?" Saeki smiled shrugging off his light sweater. Though there was barely any need to ask that. Oh well, he had been wearing that sweater ever since being outside. And it would'nt hurt to share... While the no touching rule still applied .."This is allowed, right?" he draped the sweater over Ryoga's shoulders. Better.
"It's hardly against the school rules, I don't think," Ryoga said, his sleepy-ish mind not making the connection between Saeki's question and the no touching rule. "But you'll get cold. I can't take it from you."
"Just wear it for a while ne?" Funny, he was kind of expecting Ryoga to make a grab for it and not giving it back. It was interesting how people were different from they looked, "You wouldn't want me holding you, now would you?" he spoke amused.
Now, Ryoga usually had no qualms about taking things from others, but that was only where a) the ownership was ambiguous at best, he wasn't a thief after all, and b) the object in question wasn't someone else's sweater on a chilly night. A sweater they had been wearing. It might just have been the light -- or lack thereof -- but it looked like Saeki's lips were turning blue.
"...Che. Making fun of me, now?" Ryoga made a face. "I don't need your pity -- even if you do mean well," he added then. Wouldn't do to drive away the only something-like-a-friend he happened to have around here.
So why did he always have to end up with the back talkers who never listened to anything on the first try. "Echizen. " Saeki warned, careful to keep from touching, or rather to keep the touching to a minimal. It was impossible to try to make Ryoga shrug into the sweater without his fingers touching was well, impossible. Especially when he was trying to not back the other boy into the wall behind.
Ryoga made a face but stopped resisting, allowing Saeki to help the sweater on him. The brief, brushing touches were... tolerable. Almost comforting, in fact, as he thought of them reasonably... But still.
"But now you'll be cold. And then what? Do I have to hold you instead?"
Again, Saeki almost blinked for the second time that night. No, actually this time he did blink. Because he really didn't think Ryoga would do that. "He-y, I'm fine, you don't..." have to. But it did feel nice. The warmth of the hand wrapped in the sweater as well as the heat in the other's body. Felt nice. And he didn't want to complain too much. Right now his arms were loosely starting to wrap around Ryoga.
It was better this way, wasn't it, when the touch wasn't a surprise but started by him, and even Saeki's arms around him weren't too bad, this wasn't locker rooms or a pervy coach and the warmth really was nice in the chilly night. Leaning lightly against Saeki, he was almost surprised to find himself not feeling uncomfortable at all.
"Happy now? " Saeki spoke, very near Ryoga's ear as his hand sort of petted the other's hair. Minus the snark, Ryoga seemed like any other normal boy, wasn't he? More than amusing, it was simply, kind of cute. Though he was not going to tell that to Ryoga.
"...I guess so." He really was, wasn't it, certainly happier than he'd been in quite a while. Funny how Saeki had that effect on him -- first with the tennis and now with... this. Must be the prettiness, he decided. "We really should get inside, though..." Body heat could only keep them warm so long when they were both out in the cold.
That was the problem he had been looking for inside for 20 minutes now. "Your rooms nearby?" Saeki asked, hoping it wouldn't sound like a funny question. As to where his own room was, maybe he could find that out tomorrow, in clear daylight. When all the corridors looked different. Because if he didn't then he was passing the night in some random classroom.
"...I'm not sure, really." It was somewhat embarrassing to admit, yes, but then his sense of direction had never been the best, and places looked so different in the dark
"That's great." Saeki had to suppress a light laugh. Ok, so that probably sounded weird. "Ah ....I didn't mean I'm happy about you forgetting and getting stuck here ..." And that probably sounded even weirder. Hopefully, Ryoga wouldn't mistake him for a molester by the time he was through with talking.. Here he was standing awfully close to Ryoga, holding the boy almost up against a wall, and saying weird things. Fine, the reason they were a bit huddled up was because of the cold but ..."I mean I was feeling stupid for getting lost here and its nice having company."
The first comment did throw Ryoga off for a bit, but as Saeki continued, he relaxed. With a somewhat pitiful chuckle, he said, "So what are we going to do, then? Stay here all night, or walk into some random dorm and hope they have free beds?" Since for the life of his he couldn't remember where St. Rudolph is. And with Mizuki as the R.A., he couldn't take Saeki there even if he had known his way -- who knew what that little freak would do...
"I want to sleep...." Saeki sighed, head slowly dropping in the crook of Ryoga's shoulders. He wasn't going to blame himself for this. It was simply too damn comfortable. He could fall asleep standing. Though that would be troublesome for Ryoga so he was atleast trying not to. "I really.. want to sleep." He sighed again, not noticing how close his lips were to the skin of the other's neck. But then, a sleepy Saeki was not really a great thinker.
"Then we'll get you to sleep. Come on, pretty-face." Gently pushing Saeki away enough that Ryoga could get to his side instead of against him, Ryoga then started leading them both inside. Just because he couldn't find his own dorm didn't mean he was enough of an idiot to forget how to get inside the building. For some reason, even if he wasn't hugging Saeki against himself anymore, he kept one arm around Saeki's waist, telling himself it was only for the warmth.
"Stop calling me pretty face." Saeki mumbled, rubbing some sleep out of his eyes as he dragged his feet in the direction where Ryoga was walking. He was sleepy and cold and as of now, getting slightly hungry. Well, sleep was the best solution to all of those problems at the moment. And the arm around his waist was helping.. so he was going to stay quiet about that unless Ryoga decided to stop. "You should be getting sleepy too you know..." It was not normal to be wide awake at this hour.
"Okay, okay, I'll stop. It's just kind of fitting, you know. So what should I call you?" From the journal entries he'd looked at, he'd noted that some of the kids around at the school were somewhat touchy about what they were called, so...
Glancing around, he decided there was no way they were going to make it to either of their dorms. A random classroom was their best bet -- he was intent on going to the first one he managed to find.
"Oh, I'm sleepy all right," he mumbled in response, yawning a bit to prove his words. "Just not as sleepy as you, apparently."
"I have a name?" Saeki spoke amused in spite of his sleepiness. "Don't tell you forgot already. " It was a common habit with a lot of people. So he really wouldn't be surprised even if Ryoga did. And seriously, he wouldn't be mad about it either . Had Ryoga called him by his name even once? He couldn't recollect.
"I know, and I haven't forgotten." Sure, he wasn't the best with names, but considering that Saeki was the one person he remembered best out of those few he'd actually met aside from just seeing someone in the classroom... "Saeki Koujirou. However, given all the non-American people here, that still doesn't tell me which one of those is your first name and which one you'd like to be called by."
"Saeki is the last name. Koujirou is the first. " Saeki smiled, the name always took explanation. "Call me whatever you like." It was common practice to call by the last name in Japan, but then he was used to a lot of alterations, right from Saeki to Sae-chan to Kou-chan and what not. So where were they walking again? He wasn't keeping track of that..
"Fine. Koujirou." Because even if his mother was originally Japanese, as was presumably his unknown father, he was American and damn if he was going to act otherwise.
"I figured since we can't find our way to either of our dorms, we should just find somewhere to spend the night," he then said, figuring Saeki'd like an explanation even if he was half asleep.
So they were on first name basis already? If that was what Ryoga wanted to call him, then he was ok with it. "I'll call you Ryoga then. " Saeki spoke steps going slow again. Would it be ok to just sleep here? Walking was taking so much effort.. His hand was starting to slip over Ryoga's shoulders again and he stifled a yawn. More than sleepy, maybe he was just tired.
Ryoga's rules for first name basis were simple: If he actually could remember someone's first name, they were significant enough he'd call them by it. Which wasn't often. "Ryoga's fine," he said, glancing around. That door led to a classroom, right? It better had to... and it better be unlocked.
They were at luck, it seemed. He didn't know if it was general rule to leave classrooms unlocked for the night or if someone'd just forgotten, but either way, the door opened easily. "This's better than the corridor, I guess." Definitely better than outside, too.
"So we are sleeping here?" Saeki's hand was rubbing at his eyes again. Ok, it looked nice enough. Sure, no futons, no bed, no nothing. But it was better than sleeping in the corridors. Maybe. He was already tugging Ryoga near the table. Or should they sleep on a bench. But the bench would be too cramped. The one thing that he noticed was that it was cold inside the class too.
"Unless you have a better idea." Ryoga shrugged. He, too, noticed the cold, even though he was wearing the sweater. "...Guess we'll have to stay close, still. Otherwise we're going to be too cold."
"So we do. " Saeki patted the empty spot next to him. It was dim inside the class. And Saeki decided it was a place where he really wouldn't like to be alone at night. There was almost no noise. And the only light they had was the moonlight filtering through the windows.
Settling himself down on the indicated spot, Ryoga took off Saeki's sweater, handing it back to its owner. "Take this. It's yours, anyway." And if Saeki refused, they'd share it. It wasn't a blanket, granted, but better than nothing, surely.
"And I gave it to you. " Saeki reminded him, but the sweater was in his hands already. He couldn't say that he was unhappy about getting it back - he had been cold. But then he didn't want Ryoga to be cold either. So Saeki shifted closer, keeping the touch to a minimal was an opption, but no touching was not... But then, that was not an issue now, right? He draped the sweater over the both of them.
"Smart guy, I never noticed that myself." Ryoga yawned. He was really too tired to mind the touching right now -- that and, well, like he'd thought earlier, the circumstances were quite different to their first meeting. In fact, he inched a bit closer to Saeki without even noticing it properly, himself.
He was a bit surprised when he felt the younger boy shift closer, for a moment he wondered if it was his imagination. But then Ryoga was pressed against him now. And his hand hesitated once but then he placed it on Ryoga's shoulder so the other would sort of against him. Simply because it was more comfortable that way. "Still cold?"
"...Not as much. You?" Saeki was, he noted, quite warm... Nice. Maybe there were some advantages to being close to other human beings -- at least if you were going to spend the night in a cold classroom. "'M sleepy..." And another yawn. Saeki's hand on his shoulder, he noted, was quite... comfortable, in the strangest way. Peculiar.
"I'm not stopping you from sleeping am I?" Saeki spoke amused, fingers lightly grazing the side of Ryoga's neck as his cheek brushed the soft mop of hair. It waqs comfortable..It was not a bed, and there were no pillows, just one sweater they could share. But it was still so .. comfortable.
"I could ask the same..." Ryoga's eyes fluttered closed, conscious thoughts slipping away as he finally allowed himself to doze off. On his last somewhat awake moment, he muttered, "Sleep well..."
"I asked first." Saeki protested, his voice a mumble in Ryoga's hair, the sleep was still there. But he had a feeling if they started arguing, they might end up bickering all night the way this guy liked to back talk. Because he was somewhat stubborn himself. If anything, he didn't like losing arguments. ".. Well, nights to you too..."
"Mmm-hmm..." Ryoga, for one, was no more available for any kind of arguments.
Saeki was hoping they would wake up in time, but sleep took over too soon...And the sound of Ryoga's mumble was the last thing he heard before sleep took over.