the moon was red and the night became my friend

Nov 08, 2007 23:36

So, I'm going to Pittsburgh tomorrow. Maybe. Possibly. I think, anyway. The art majors are going, except for Mellissa, who has to work this weekend. Yay. Mellissa is a little... annoying? at times. And I don't have the heart to tell her, and I know she'll want to hang out with me if she goes, and I'm just a horrible person. That's all.

Dude, what the hell?! First, let's just make this perfectly clear: If I was them, I would have totally let Bela die and then get rid of the ghost. She got Dean's baby towed!!! But that was pretty funny. Dean literally hyperventilating over his lost car. And yet, I can sympathize. I would probably have a coronary if someone stole my car.

And what was with the dude saying something about his car? It sucked? Or it was crap? Can't remember. Anyway, has he seen his own car? I mean, seriously,you do NOT call a classic car crap, or whatever he called it. Unless of course it has big ass fins, in which case, burn it! Burn it now! But seriously, a 67 Impala? Crappy? Gasp! The car gods shall smite thee, o yee of bad taste. Or maybe bad eyes. Either way, they'll either smite you or fit you with the thickest glasses known to man. Said car could totally kick your sorry little car's ass.

And then, just as I think I can't possibly hate Bela anymore, she pretty much asks Dean to fuck her. She likes it rough. Nothing disrespectful about that... *clears throat* Anyway, Before that I very much wanted them to just let her die. Now I'm more on the approving side of like. Not really liking her yet, but just approving. I mean, she shot Sam! Then she calls him a drama queen for SHOOTING HIM!!! Hell yeah, that warrants at least a little drama. And now it looks like Dean might actually be caring for her on some weird twisted level. Crap. Stupid boys and their stupid consciences and stupid morals. Says the girl who can't tell the most annoying person on the planet just how annoying she is. Sigh.

And yes, even I, complete and utter Samgirl, can admit that Dean looks pretty hot in a tux. And Sam's hair looks like crap all plastered back in an attempt at some kind of order.

Why the hell didn't he check to make sure the hand was in there before he left? Lottery tickets? Rabbit's foot? Any sirens going off yet? She's a fucking klepto, and she's good at it. Stop letting her steal your shit, man! But how is it that every time she steals something of theirs, she gets bit in the ass by it? Haha! And, I'm a bit curious about who she killed. I think I may have seen some remorse there? No? She better spill.

And this show is making me afraid of old people more and more. Old women. Stabbing people. Hitting on Sam. *shudders*

Greatest line this week? "Can I shoot her?" "Not in public." Ha. Why the hell didn't you just shoot her while I still hated, no, loathed her?

Now, you know the first thing I thought of when I saw the preview for this week? The movie Ghost Ship. Awesome movie. And when I think of that, I think of that scene in the beginning where the wire cuts through everyone on the deck. And I get a bit yuck. That scene just freaks me the fuck out. Then I have to stop and wonder why? I've seen so much worse stuff than that, so why would that bother me at all? I makes me look back at that time that Daniel forced me to watch that Iraq beheading online because she was afraid to watch it alone, and she asked me, and I was honestly a bit curious myself, and that's what roommates are for, right? Run-on much? Anyway, she watched it, and she was freaked for days. And I was just like huh. Then I think of a few days later when Daniel was FINALLY getting over her trauma, and we went to Sarah's house for her Halloween party, and we watched House of Wax, in which a guy gets his head cut off. Daniel went into another fit, runs out of the room crying, then comes back after the movie bawling her eyes out and she needing Sarah to hold her the rest of the night. House of Wax, anyone? C'mon, say it with me. Jared Padalecki. Jared Padalecki? Superatural. Isn't that where I started?

This is how my brain works. I start on a subject, then it starts slipping into another one, and pretty soon I find my way back to the original idea. And most of the time I have no idea how I got there. Example: Miranda and I talking about Aqua's Barbie Girl, then somehow ending up talking about ladybugs evolving from round headed to flat because they kept running head first into things, then somehow we got back to Barbie Girl. Explain that one to me please, because I would love to know.

Oh, and I'm pretty sure the whole wire thing on Ghost Ship is really a hygiene thing for me. Think about it. How many people did that wire go through? Granted, those people didn't really live long enough to think "Oh my god, someone else's organs! On a wire! Just. Went. Through. Me!" But still. Then they show the damn wire, all covered in stuff that really shouldn't be outside of the body, and it seriously gives me chills. And despite what Dearest Miranda thinks, I am not OCD.

PS: Has anyone else noticed how much I use this song for my title? Probably not. Katie fucking queen of all things music has never even heard of them.

PPS: Sorry about the cussage. I'm excited. I tend to do that when I'm excited.

PPPS: My defense of the Impala. Yes. I happen to own a 70 Nova. Thus, you do not mess with classics. They are awesome, and nothing new can come close. Even if they don't come with CD players.

supernatural, pittsburgh, my brain is weird

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