Age: 36
Height: 180 cm (presumably)
Weight: ...idk. Something suitable for a man of his height who has a habit of walking around in armor more-or-less all the time.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
Medical Info: He's probably amassed any number of injuries over his time spent as varying sorts of soldiers, but they healed without incident. Magic may have been involved.
Physical traits: He looks a lot like
Basch; this is mentioned at least once in canon, although it should be noted he's lacking the scar over his eye and keeps his hair shorter than Basch does or at least shorter than Basch does in canon. Other than that, it's not unsurprising to find him wandering around in Magisterial armor, although this may be changing due to the location, if nothing else.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him: He's coming from after his death, so pretty much anything is good, although it should be noted that he will not react well to some topics and has a tendency to get a little sword-happy in those cases. So... tread carefully around some things?
Abilities: Archadian Judges are an extension of the army; Judges Magister a step above that. Basically, it's a position equivalent to knight-commander, and Gabranth has the sword skills to back that position up.
He also has a handful of magic-type abilities (most of which seem to be fire-based) and - if Dissidia is to be believed/taken as canon - has Basch's quickenings as well.
Notes for the Psychics: To put things simply, things are a mess inside Gabranth's head. The most noticeable at any given point would be anger, bitterness and a sort of stubborn loyalty. But if you can get past that there's a decent enough man. It's just that he's gotten all twisted up inside over the years.
There's also the fact that he was born Noah fon Ronsenburg, and is Basch's twin brother.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Ask/Ask/Yes/Yes
Maim/Murder/Death: Please ask me first, since it would probably have an effect on more than one of the FFXII cast if he died (again).
Cooking: Well enough to keep himself from starving, I'd assume.