Title: The Toe Days Of Christmas
Author: Jude
Miss_Incognito4@live.co.uk Rating: PG
Category: Humour/Romance
Content: Chlollie
Summary: On the first day of Christmas her true love gave to her... A lecture in full surround sound!!!
Disclaimer: I own nixies.
Distribution: Here, there, everywhere!
Notes: Inspiration and dedication behind this silly little ditty belongs to Alxnhnt22 for the 3rd gift. This isn't great or profoundly brilliantly written piece, but I could just see it happening. Enjoy!!!!
It was the perfect place, he decided as he looked around the little cafe with a smile on his face.
This place had meaning to him and he hoped it had meaning to her, too.
After all, this was where he'd thanked her for saving both his life and his soul.
Now he was going to do the same thing for her.
"You want some help?" She asked, all green eyes and wooly coat.
"No, no," he shooed her away with little finger gestures. "You go get our table and I'll be there in a minute."
As expected, she didn't move from her position under the doorway heater.
"Are you sure? I have two very capable hands right here..." and said capable hands came up to wave at him.
His smile turned oh so affectionate. "It's my turn to play waiter, remember?"
Her smile fell a little, again as expected. "Oh, if you're sure..."
"I am, Chloe. Just go sit yourself down at our table."
"We could just sit inside, you know. You don't always have to be so romantic as to have our table at the ready everytime we come here."
"I do," he said, that affectionate smile never faltered. "I do this because I love you. Don't you want me to love you anymore?"
Her smile was now nonexistant. "Of course I want you to love me. Why else would I be here?"
He shrugged a shrug of total innocence. "Because you want free coffee and freshly baked croissants?"
His count down didn't reach five when he got a glare.
He was definitely getting better at being in the dog house.
"You know I'm not with you for your ability to buy me stuff."
Brown eyes widened significantly. "I would never think that of you, Chloe. Now, go get our table and I'll bring the hot drinks right out."
Good lord, he could hear the hissing that came from her very brain.
"Fine," word came from behind gritted teeth and she turned to walk outside.
Affectionate grin instantly went smug as he faced the cashier. "Serve the two people behind me, please. I'm teaching."
The cashier may have been still in school, but even he knew what not to piss off a female and piss off a female Mr. Queen had just done.
"Sure, sir."
"Don't worry, man," Oliver said, smuggness still in place. "I gotta plan."
The young cashier nodded and served the next two people while Mr. Queen whistled and checked his watch. "What can I get you, Mr. Queen? Or is it the usual?"
He smiled. "The usual, please, and make it extra hot if it's not too much trouble."
"Not for me," the cashier dared to say and was oh so relieved when Mr. Queen laughed.
"As I said, I have a plan."
"Hope it's a good one aaanndd here we are! The usual."
Oliver beamed at the young boy as he threw down a fifty. "Thanks, dude. The change is for yourself," and walked away before the boy could state his gratitude.
Didn't take him long to get outside and when he got to the table, he was forced to think of world atrocities just so he didn't smirk in victory.
Ten little toes were trying to curl into themselves, but were failing as the shoes she wore left those ten little toes wide open to the winter chill. He wanted to take those reddened toes and warm them up, but he had a point to prove and prove it he was going to do.
Poor little toes, having to suffer for their owner's vanity.
Green eyes glared hell at him and still, he kept smiling. "Here we go," and plonked her triple espresso fueled latte down in front of her.
"So," he started as he took his seat opposite her. "How beautiful is this, huh? You an me, in the middle of town on this wonderful winter afternoon. The buildings, sidewalk, the snow? Gorgeous, isn't it?"
"If. You. Say. So."
Oliver covered up his smugness with a drink of his own coffee. "Something wrong, Sidekick?"
"Not. A. Thing."
He took a bigger drink and sat back with a loud ahhhh, then stretched his long legs out in front of him. "This has to be one of the best days of my life. I mean, here I am in the middle of Metropolis when there's snow. Snow! There's never snow in California! Hurricanes and earthquakes, sure, but never snow! It gives the world a new look, you know what I mean?"
"Yes. You like snow. I get it. Can we go home now?"
"But I'm not finished. See?" A long, slow sip of his drink and he showed her the rest. Only after her glare turned into a glare made in hell did he speak. "Something wrong, Chloe?"
Narrowed eyes and fisted hands.
"Oh, so there is something wrong?"
"Would that something be the fact you wore open toe four inch heels in the middle of winter?"
Oliver's smugness disappeared into genuine laughter and he took her free hand in his much warmer one, and gave her a look normally reserved for eighth graders. "There's this thing about winter and snow. It's cold and you know where a lot of body heat is lost? The feet. The feet lose a lot of body heat and wearing open toe shoes in this weather isn't a good idea. I'm sure you'll now agree that I was right and you were wrong."
Oh, he was so gonna get it when he got home.