Title: Lay Me Down 2/7
Author: Jude
Miss_Incognito4@live.co.uk Rating: Heavy for Gore
Summary: "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake, I pray the lord my soul to take."
Content: Chloe/Oliver
Category: Cross-over. Smallville/Nightmare On Elm Street.
Disclaimer: I own nothing!
Distribution: This fic is for this LJ site and my own LJ site, and noplace else.
Notes: I tried to be strong and wait until the 8 hours were up, but I just couldn't! I've worked on this fic for weeks and now I can post!!!
Chloe, I'm on your one step...
The voice came from outside her room and she sat up and stared at the door in confusion. She got out of what passed for a bed, slow steps took her to the door and she stood there, unsure.
Probably just Lex being a bigger ass than usual, she told herself.
"You're very funny, you know that?" Chloe covered the fear with bravado. "Using childish rhymes to get your kicks? There are numbers you can call for that fetish."
Chloe, I'm on your two step...
Fear rolled through her, forced her to back away from the door.
Her daddy would say that to her when she was growing up as they played hide and seek, but that wasn't her daddy's voice and nor was Lex or any of his goons.
How would Lex know that? There was no way Lex could know that.
Not unless...
Chloe, I'm on your three step...
The voice was closer now and it definitely wasn't Lex.
She swallowed, nervous fingers swiped at strands of hair as she stared at the tiny barred window of the metal door.
Chloe felt the bed frame hit her knees and as though it would protect her, she fisted the itchy sheet and brought it round to cover her stomach. There was something there, niggling away in a part of her mind that told her she was supposed to know.
Know who that voice belonged too, know who was out there, but the memory wouldn't form and she didn't know why.
Chloe, I'm on your four step...
Closer than the voice was her fear turning to terror and it crawled through veins and arteries, making her heart throb with adrenalin.
Fight or flight, she thought, fight or flight with nowhere to run.
Chloe, I'm at your bedroom door...
Chloe gave into the instinct and moved to hide under the covers and she hoped it would go away. Just go away, far away where she would never have to hear it again.
Chloe, I'm at your bedside...
She squeezed her eyes shut, tried to pretend the whimpers weren't coming from her. She had to be so quiet and so very still, or he'd find her and get her and kill her.
That voice chilled her very soul and there were hands, icy hands, touching her ankles and boned fingers trailing up her legs. Too many hands for just one person, too small to be the hands of adults.
Her body shook.
They were the hands of children.
The hands were gone and the sheets were ripped away.
"I've got you."
All it took for her scream to come was the face staring down at her.
"Every night, you say?" Lex asked as he watched the video of Chloe Sullivan.
"Yes sir," Thomas Davidson replied, his tone filled with sadistic curiosity. "Every night for the last five days."
The billionaire was too distracted to reply immediately.
On screen, Chloe was walking around her room and mumbling to herself.
"It has nothing to do with the tests you're running on her?" Lex pressed pause and finally looked at the doctor.
"Nothing. If anything, sir, she seems to look forward to the tests," and Thomas couldn't wait to tell him the rest. "She asks for them and when we're done, she wants them done again. Says you're a big fan of sound facts and figures."
A frown creased Lex's forehead. "She's right in that respect," he tapped his fingers against his desk as he thought for a moment. "What's your professional opinion on her behavior?"
The doctor pursed his lips. "I've got several theories, sir..."
"From what you, yourself, have told me, Miss. Sullivan could be upto something..."
Lex nodded. "The next?"
"Some of the drugs we use can be... Quite addictive."
Somehow, Lex highly doubted Chloe had turned into a meteor rock junkie in the space of a month. To save time, "What's the most plausible?"
Thomas sucked in a breath and blew it out in a heavy sigh. "She's attempting to keep from sleeping, sir."
Now this was intriguing.
"Why is that, do you think?"
"Could be nightmares, sir, but what about? Your guess is as good as mine."
Lex nodded again and returned his attention to the image of Chloe on the screen. He pressed play then upped the volume.
"One, two, Freddy's coming for you..."
Chloe paced the small cell, clenched by her sides and willpower used to keep her eyes open. Seven days without sleep was not good, she knew that, but it wasn't like she had any other choice.
Sleep and die, or stay awake and go insane.
Insanity could be treated with countless hours of therapy, but death?
No known cure unfortunately.
"Where are you?" She half screamed, voice hoarse from hours of saying the same thing over and over. She was supposed too have gone for tests by now.
They were late and they couldn't be late.
Hell, they were the only thing keeping her awake. Them and Lex and the tests. If wasn't for them, she'd have been dead days ago cos those things were literally what kept her awake.
The lock to her door turned and Chloe almost laughed in relief as she turned to face the people who'd come to get her.
"You're late," she said, giddy. "Hope you know Lex doesn't appreciate tardiness."
"You always were able to read me well, Chloe," Lex replied as he pushed his away between the guards before he looked at them. "Keep her words in mind."
The guards knew better than to respond.
"Speak of the devil," Chloe could hardly hold back the urge to smile.
If Lex himself was heading today's round of fun, then she was sure no sleep would be had.
"You shouldn't flatter me, Chloe," he smiled as he walked further into her cell and looked around. "Love what you've done with the place."
She returned his insincere smile with one of her own. "I don't have much at my disposal, but you know me. Resourceful."
Lex stuff his hands into his pockets and fully faced her. "I do give you credit," his smile never faltered. "Especially when I take your current ailment into consideration."
Chloe tried not to tense at his implication, but it did no good.
"I see by your failed attempt at hiding your unease, that I've hit quite the nerve." He looked almost sympathetic. "I know the toll lack of sleep can take and I can't have my favourite subject suffering, now can I?"
Lex was gentle when he took hold of her shoulders. "There are no tests today, Chloe. You're going to get a good night's sleep."
Chloe didn't have time protest or fight before a needle penetrated her skin.