Oct 11, 2005 22:45
so my birthday got a little cooler(not sarcasum)
my mom, who apsolutly refuses to call me pie wrote happy birthday pie on my cake, and if that wasnt enough she also put MCL....lol that made me realy happy...
welll i have to go take care of my arm and take a big ass pill...lol
love to all my family out there...
Sep 29, 2005 21:49
disconnecting the computer cause im moving... somwhere off webber...
my comp should be hooked up around the 15th probl;y later...
not thast it matters i barly use this bitch any way...
well peace outside till then
Sep 26, 2005 22:35
if you read this,
even if we do not speak often,
comment with one memory of me.
it can be anything you want,
good or bad. just as long as
it happened. then post this
on your livejournal , See what
other people remember about you
Sep 15, 2005 13:03
so yeah me and penny got into a car accident...
his truck is fucked up..
my face slammed into the dashboard and i found my lip ring on on the raod..lol
yeah my neck is soar... my mom made me go to the hospital to check my shit out...
i guess penny hurt his back or somthing...
well i guess im done...
Sep 07, 2005 07:15
so yeah i think i need a new alarm clock...
last night my comp said 1255 so i put my clock on 1255 and set it for 6...
well my alarm clock went off at 6 only it wasnt 6 on my comp or any other clock any more it was 7.... what the hells that about?
well im gunna go do somthing or shit i dont no...
Sep 06, 2005 00:46
happy birthday aaron
19... you old basterd..
Sep 02, 2005 13:04
i was watching some guy on tv and he was like evry thing can be tramadic or commical..
now its not a funny thing to hear about a kid getting decapitated by an air bag but wouldnt it be funny if the kid 5 minets before was yelling at his mom saying i want a baloon mommy gimmy a baloon i wanta baloon...
sorry i thought it was funny...
Sep 01, 2005 22:46
so yeah my comp is finaly up in running.... only problem
my mouse is a piece of shit...
so does any one have an extra mouse i could use???