this is gonna be a long post so I put it under a cut/
Ok let me start off with
Tuesday: my bro David from soledad came over and after I got home I dont really remember us going anywhere it was too late anyways.
Wedensday: : we woke up went to hollywood had Roscos chicken for breakfast went to the hollywood signe and took pictures.after that we went to universal city walk. checked out a few places, there was this thing they had where you could get your own hands inprinted in cement like a hollywood square! and my bro david wanted to do the SHOCKER! and my bro fernie wanted to give the bird I had nothing! well the funny thing was that david asked "are you allowed to do that?" the big black guy says "oh yea sure you can sit your ass on it if you want," and the little skinny white guy next to him looks like he wants to say something but its a bit hesitant and with a lot of enthusiasm/reluctant says really loud "oh you can put your BALLS on it if you want!" we all just started laughing so we asked how much is it? $40 hell no! haha my bro had a lot of people waiting back home for souverniours and shit. we ended up watching Star wars Revenge of the Sith which was in my eyes really good! went to a few novelty shops and ugh! stupid ass hot topic where I did meet a lovely lady who missed out on a few shows, David tried getting her number but she has a boyfreind but david said thats cool we should still keep in touch. after that we went to a smoking shop and David bought a "tabbaco pipe" Later we went to the Hustler store! it was my first time being there. saw some books dvd's and David got the phone number to this girl that was working there! so he was pretty happy about that.
Thursday: we went to six flags got on X (the Xtreeeeeeeeeeem! (inside joke) ok ill share the inside joke with you!! if youve seen "Herald and Kumar go to white castle" then you know what im talking about those stupid annoying guys that went kayaking in the middle of an aisle in a gastation and one guy always says OH MAN that was XTREEEME!" funny shit!) well anyways after being in line for the longest time we were only one passanger away from getting on the xtreeme! they had technichal difficulties! wtf! David got pissed the fuck off! when the guy on the mic said that David said "how bout you suck my balls!" very loud the guy heard him and just turned around people around us just couldnt believe it! haha, for the next 20min we were debating if we should leave or not! well we stayed just a min before we were gonna leave, the ride started back up. so David was fortunate to Xperience the XTREEEM! and he liked it too!. next we went to Dejavu where I saw a juggalo with an Esham shirt I tapped him but he didnt see me and he then took off. we got on and I didnt even sit anywhere near them I let a couple sit where i was gonna sit. I love that ride it scares the fuck out of me when you get pulled up and let go! next we got on riddlers revenge! then we each ate a turkey leg! those things are so good and juicy and uuuuuugh! mmmmmmm I wish I had one on me right now! after we ate we got on GOLIATH! bad ass ride I love it I remember I used to be scared to get on it! David didnt even know what it did he wasnt paying attention i guess so he was oh shit!!!
after goliath we were gonna get on scream but thats when stupid ass krock closed down the theme park couse they were gonna have a party! fuck those guys krock can suck my dick!
after that we went to visit my cousin in Pomona and I fell in love with all the doggies he had! he has 4 blue pittbulls and 2 other pitbulls and a cat and another small dog. two of the blue pitts were puppys wee little things! and one was like only a few months old I had a lot of fun playing with them and David had fun smoking out with my cousin. then we all watched "The Little Monsters" and after (on a side note fernie and david bought batman shirts (oh yea i forgot we got on batman after riddlers) and the shirts came with a batman cape! and david was telling my cousin luie about star wars and I told david "you know your info on this shit is legit when your getting your info from a guy with a cape!") we came home I got more clothes and afterward went back to my bros and we rented movies too wathced watched Herald and kumar go to white castle and we also ate white castle burgers David insisted that we did thats the usual stupid shit I do with my bros.
Friday: was sort of a rest day we just hung out we woke up and saw meet the fockers then we went went to huntington beach to at this restarunt called Tuna town Fernie loves it becouse the drummer from his fav band Korn opened it up and owns it they also saw him there. the place was full so we ended up going to pancho villas Grill and cantina, where it was closed except for the bar part of the place but they let me in I guess I was cool with the security guard there couse he saw my tour shirt from psychopathic allstars and said "oh shit I was thier that was a bad ass show!" so he was cool with me being there.
Saturday: to Hotters in hollywood and after we finished we crossed the street where the china man theatre is and we saw a scary demon version of mandingo a micheal myers big bird elmo and even a gandalf was there and he was going to take pictures with some kids and poeple were getting in the way so too make them wait the said "people can you ple.., YOU SHALL NOT PAAAS!" IT WAS SO COOL!. after that we walked to the car and then we left to melrose to find Golden Apple Comics and we did I read some comic books that needed reading and I got alot of free shit. After that we went to another comic book place this one was Jay and silent bobs secret stash! so saw more comics and stuff took pictures witht he angel wings from dogma and then we went home. then fernie stayed home and I took david to blockbuster where he rented two movies "mean girls" and "saved" we watched mean girls and it was a pretty good movie, it wasnt your avarage high school teeny bopper movie it was a real movie! good one at that.
Sunday: we went to venice beach and saw alot of the shopps I saw more becouse my bro David likes smoking shopps and I dont usually go into those. I showed him the best store and he liked it alot! After venice my cousin David and his little sister Adrianita were there waiting for us. I was XTREEEMly hungry and had a headache becouse the lack of food in my stomach. Fernie and David (cuz) went to dominios to get pizza and david (bro) and adrianita were playing GTA san andreas and were laughing really hard at a gansta with a jet pack! I was in a wierd mood so I was talking on the phone and kept to myself for a while. then the pizza got their I ate a 3 slices and 2 wings! and I was called a tragon! wtf! they all had way more than I did couse thier was 2 pizza boxes and a whole order of wings! thats bullshit for ya!
Monday: Dodger game whoo hoo dogers lost awww booooo! it was a good game though ok maybe it wasnt couse i hear the cubs suck balls! so if the dodgers lose to them what does that tell you! some guy ran in the feild and tried to post a dodger flag he ran fast as hell but he kinda slipped and they grabbed him hancufed him arrested and escorted and they might even prosecute him! after the game and after David and Adrianita left we saw "saved" which was a good movie about a buch of jesus freaks and super releiguouse high shcool kids and it takes a jewish girl mckuliny culkin in a weelchair and a pregnant chick to show these turds that life is not about religion.
overall this was a really fun week and by the third day I felt like ive been gone for weeks so yea. I got out of my art class a while ago so I got that final done and over with. and now I got a final tommaro. and I didnt do a report for taht class either so I really Need to do good on that final or else i need to take that class over again. OH AND ONE BAD THING WAS THAT I LEFT MY CD WALLET AND MY CD PLAYER IN DAVIDS MOMS HONDA SO HE TOOK IT TO FONTANA AND HE DOESNT ALWAYS COME OVER HERE AND WE HARDLY GO OVER THERE! SO YEA I WANT MY CDS DAMMIT! AAAAARGGH!