So it's been nearly half a year since I've last posted here? Looks about that. Craaazy. I'll be keeping this relatively brief, though, unfortunately.
Latest News-ish stuff:
NEW KITTY. Tobi's damn cute. Cuter than me... hmm, will have to do something about that.
FACEBOOK. Come play me in
NEW CAR (IS STILL AWESOME (BUT VERY THIRSTY)). Did I post about my new car back when I got it? I can't remember. Too lazy to check. I probably did.
DISEASED. Got a cold that's finally on its way out. It never got too serious like my previous DISEASE (boy that was nasty, like almost hospitalized nasty), thankfully, but it's now lasted for about a week. Curse you, germs! I wish I had more sick days at work.
SPEAKING OF WORK. Got a new computer for work, finally. Old comp was a POS. Though this one has Vista... Vista's shiny and pretty and all, but not without its share of annoyances. Nothing major, yet. On the plus side, I got to pick out its computer case. That was fun. It has colorful fans. I had to plug two of them in myself, though (ha, my skillz > yorz, company techy!).
NEW JOB. No, I'm still programming for that
law documents website. My interest in this position, even in this company, is waning. Some days are better than others, but for the most part it's rather blah. There's not much more here to learn, and I have little desire to advance. However, see next point.
BioWare is a well-known videogame developer, and they just happen to be roughly 5 blocks away from my front door. There was a call-out to Edmontonian residents for temporary quality assurance game-testers recently, and I gave it a shot. Keep in mind that this isn't a position that you're simply paid to play games while on the couch. It's a full-time job of rigorous testing an QA, and I'm positive that a bazillion highschool teeners who applied to play games were scoffed at. I tried a more professional/business approach, but I suspected my experience in that particular field was sub-par. I had hope, but doubt. By now I'm sure that they've hired who they sought out to hire. HOWEVER - it' spurred a growing determination to get my foot in the door with that company. They're great people who love hanging out with their fans, love their (stressful and time-crunching) jobs, and produce top-notch RPG games for the masses. Also noteable is that they're in Alberta's top 25 employers. Daunting? Oh yea. The QA position aside, I see another hiring opportunity that looks to be ongoing, and have set my sights. There's a quoteI remember, not sure from who or where, that claims, "it's a full-time job to get a full-time job in the videogame industry." I'm beginning to truly take that to heart, and intend to spend a LOT of time working on a submission that will hopefully catch their attention. To my chagrin, this also means a lot less time actually playing videogames (among other things). Hopefully I can keep up the determination and reach my goal. Wish me luck!
AND THAT'S ABOUT IT. Well, a bit longer then brief, but meh. I get carried away sometimes. As a warning: I intend to start a new LJ under a new account, or at new blog site, or at a site of my own - and *gasp* regularly updating it. Actually, I've been wanting to create a website of myself for myself (and anyone else who wanders by), as a big portfolio of sorts. Possibly even making it into my "studio", per se. But I'm wanting a new nickname. A new handle, a new alt, moniker, alias, psuedonym, sobriquet... you get the idea. I've gone by "Juggernaut" (and the mutated "Juggerneko") in games and websites since I first logged onto this vast
series of tubes. I had for awhile, but that's like a name for some highschool kid's AOL page. I want to be a bit more pro, but not formal. For example, "Shiver Studios", since my initials are BRR. I thought up the nickname "Kittyjuice" completely randomly, which sounds awesome (in some hilarious way), but I don't want to use it for a portfolio/studio. I also want to be able to google it and find nothing - quite a task. I'll think of something. When I do, I'll leave a final LJ post saying where I'm moving to. I'll still be here to comment and keep up with y'all, of course.
There, no more disjointed random thoughts.