ok. ive been a little obsessed with my head for the past couple days. for those of you who havent seen me in a while, crazy things have been happening upstairs.
yeah. so all of a sudden i was just sitting around my room like two nights ago and i decided that i was really really sick of the long front parts of my hair.
so i chopped them off. all by myself! i was so proud! and yeah yah i know. i look like the biggest gay ever [yes, kirsten, i get more queer by the day]. but i really dig it. so ha.
and then theres this.
last night i went red. this i like a lot. excuse the poor lighting in my room, but you get the idea.
mally mal: i am intimidated by your lesbuianism
cathmo: haha i know im so intense right?
mally mal: if i saw you in the street i would be like
mally mal: whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
cathmo: at the level of gayness?
mally mal: yes
mally mal: i'd be like
mally mal: that's a professional
mally mal: step back, mal
oh mal. i miss that one quite a bit.
so yeah. thats whats been happening on my head these days. inside...well, thats for another post another day. suffice to say that this kitty cat is mighty pleased with life these days.