ok... today was good wen't and saw million dollar baby at the dollar 50 with kealey. It was really sad. lorelei look at the background it worked!! I'v got a really bad headache it's not cool. I'm going to the presidents on the 3rd next month. should be sweeeeeettt!!!
sooo....today was good but the same, the same as every freaking day.... but good. I really need to change that photo of me it's way to e-moe. it's really sad it seems like every time I try to get close to some one it just ends up becoming friends. But what ever... eat to much food...
today has sucked so far. My mom's been making me do yard work, but the good thing is that she pays me and it's sunny out. Oh ya and some one T.P.ed our house!!! I think I'm going out with friends tonight so alls good.
sooo to days been good, I was really hipper around lunch but now I really tired. I found out I cant fly. I wish it was sunnier out, but it has to keep raining... It makes me really sad when your friends start having bad stuff happen to them:( I fail at life.