Coffee Crisp being the singular scrumptious exception.
How are things!
If they are good then awesome!
If they are sucky then awesome is just around the corner!
Life Lesson #45,392,029: Lawyers are just as creepy as everyone says they are. None of it is a stereotype &_&
Confession. )
Comments 30
I was totally gonna use it in this comment too but that'd just be obnoxious XD
I am MAD late but omg, icon love &hearts!!
What's nyquil?
Happy weekend!! ;DD ~
I think lawyers are creepy too ;_; *does not intend to be one*
*breathes a sigh of relief* the less creepy lawyers in the world, the better, haha <3
Et tu, Bruxism?
Massu whispering "nyquil" eeeehhh? omoishiroi?, ne (interesting, isn't it?) XD
RyoUchi doughnuts sound lovely.
I totally got another person addicted to Johnny's and more importantly NEWS. YESH! I HAVE CORRUPTED ANOTHER!
She's another 09-10 exchange student and we're going to go on a J-idol stalking adventure. And I will be thinking of you the entire time. XD
& geez you're, what? 10 days away now?!? I am dying with excitement for you, haha.
We're thinking Christmas Eve at Keichan's shop, then maybe a NEWS concert for the New year.... ya know, gotta hit all the required fangirl events.
Have you heard about 24-HR TV? Swear to godddd, skipping school that day if I have to. hahaha.
UGH! I WISH I KNEW!!!!!!!! I'm SUPPOSED to leave the 20th, but Japan isn't sending me the damn papers back with my city, host family, host school, and date they want me there. So.. until they decide it's a good time to send it, I have NO IDEA when I'm really leaving.
All my other non-JE J-idol loves seem to be getting married/moving in with chicks/getting chicks preggo before I get there. If Oguri Shun does any of the above before I get there, I MAY have to be institutionalized. (though, he is supposedly seeing Yamada Yuu so bahh).
Sometimes, I swear I never grew up~
omg! I hope you get to meet Koyamama &hearts
I've heard NEWS were hosting, and Ryo's doing the little drama for it...and...Ryo has flat feet...and...that's it. /badfan LOL. I've already warned everyone I know to not bug me that day though XDD
What? Still?! Shenanigans! Aww dude hopefully it'll work out and you can leave on schedule. Can't keep Koyama waiting, now can we?
Growing up is srsly overrated anyway~
So now I have that + nyquil + idekgifwall in my head 8D
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