Nine Inch Nails at the Ford Center, part 1

Aug 16, 2008 12:39


er, it's my Nine Inch Nails Oklahoma City, OK review.

Complete with dodgy cameraphone (and other) pictures. LOOK AT THEM!

I'm not going to do a lame review of how well or how despicably Trent & the Gang performed (in terms of music). They obviously are talented, experienced, and all-together enthusiastic musicians and performers. In short, they fucking rocked. Off the chain. For rizzle ma dizzle. Yee Haw. And whatever other slang people use these days.

I'm just putting down my own personal experience of the whole spectacle, and o! what a spectacle was it!

(skip down quite a bit for the actual concert review if you don't wanna hear the drama)

this is The Beginning

I had multiple plans going on.. I already had paid for the 2 tickets (full price? 165 dollars.), and so I had to get a ride. I could've easily taken myself and my friend in my trusty Aurora, but as it turns out, my mom didn't want me to drive to the City without prior experience [and my response is always, "How will I EVER get experience if you give me no chance to gain it?"] AND! Not only that, but I had accidentally "wrecked" my car. The alignment was bent because I had hit a dip a little too hard. If you've seen what an Aurora looks like, then you know it's set extremely low to the ground, and it has an insanely long front end. 3/4ths of the car is the bloody front (the engine), no joke.

Plan A? Have my sister take me in her SUV, but she doesn't get off work till 4:30, which means we'd be cutting it close on time... I wanted to be in the front, so I wanted to leave ridiculously early. She has more experience driving in the city.
Plan B? Just have my friend that I was going with anyways, Chelsey, drive in HER SUV to the concert. She has some experience with the city.
Plan C? Use the very unreliable and playful friend Chris to take me in his Taurus. He hates driving, but he very much likes NIN. This is one last resort.

The other last resort was jumping in my car and driving off, contrary to my parents' orders. Fuck parents. :P I want so much to respect what they ask of me, but when it comes to something that I've so completely desired for so long.. I will act with only myself in mind. There is no you, there is only me... and all that. :P

Plan A fell out due to a disagreement between Laura (sister) and her slightly controlling boyfriend.

Eventually, went with Plan B.

But not before Chelsey said that she wasn't going to be able to go on the day of.

I.. was destroyed? I think that's an apt way to describe my sensation of let-downyness.

So I tried to get in my car and drive off.. and my mom keeps telling me, "you can't fucking do this, you can't fucking do that, nyah nyah nyah" so I explode.

and by explode, I really do actually mean EXPLODE. Spit was flying out of my mouth, my face turned into Red Starburst, and I was screaming, roaring at the top of my lungs at my mom.

"When I've tried to be as good as I can be for you guys, since your other daughters are complete fuck-ups.. when I've tried to keep my head down, quiet, in line like a good little girl.. when I've done everything I can to impress you and make you feel like you succeeded as parents.. all I want is a little reward for myself. A little time for myself. Something for me. Haven't I earned it?"

Imagine that paragraph of thought inside of a violated voice. I was destroyed, so I broke down a little bit. I've never actually exploded in front of my parents. I don't think I've even exploded in front of ANYONE to that degree.

She told me I acted just like Jessie, my former meth-addict psychopathic sister.

"How the fuck else am I supposed to act when I'm in this state? I am ALWAYS calm. I am ALWAYS quiet. I'm fucking FRUSTRATED so this is how I act when I'm truly in a PREDICAMENT. When I've planned this long for something."

*sigh* :P

It turned out that Chelsey got her car back from her dad, so we ended up going anyways. I was nervous that she was lying just to make me feel better... but she wasn't. That's actually a friend. Who will tell you the truth even if it hurts, oddly enough. I'm glad to have her.

Into the Void (liking my cheesy subtitles?)

Here's our pictures of the little (2 hour) drive. These may be slightly big.


Ridiculously small feet. I know. I wear 6 and a half wide. :P

Texting while driving is always safe.

Went through rain.. then dryness.. then rain.. then dryness..

And here was the beginning of the actual concert. Waited in line, met an older, larger blond lady. I asked her if she was a teacher cos I didn't expect someone like her to be at an NIN concert, heh. Chelsey met up with a friend from her old school in Manford (I think that's the town's name). A small, large-breasted, black-hair-dyed girl our age. She was cute. Didn't bother hiding her overt lesbianism.

I swear to god I saw at least 10 (or 20 or 70) Tool shirts in the Box Office line. Was ridiculous. There's some weird connection between Tool and Nine Inch Nails fans..

Saw girls in fishnets, ladies in purple corsets. Everyone in line looked like shadows: THERE WAS TOO MUCH BLACK. I counted how many other colors of the Goth Rainbow were represented: 4 blue shirts (including my own), only 1 purple shirt (WHAT?! PURPLE IS AWESOME), lots of grey (grey doesn't matter), 10 green or something.

There was just a lot of black.

Saw someone in line with a Joy Division shirt on.. and I had to fight back the urge to yell, "HEY YOU! WITH THE JOY DIVISION SHIRT! GOOD BAND!"

Saw some very much older people in line, too. That still surprises me, somehow. A man who looked in his 50s or 60s. Looked like a music press writer.

Well, we ran all around the Ford Center as soon as we got in; Chelsey had to pee, and I was looking around for merchandise (the prices, I mean), and jumping around like any girl my age does when she's about to about to have a musical orgasm. It's a part of life.

Got our Floor wristbands (kitschy as always: stars and moons and lime green stuff. Ugly as crap.), then floated to the Floor. There was a crowd beginning to loiter on the fencerail, so we made our way through to about the 3rd row (if you could organize that standing mess into rows, anyway). There was a young guy of 16 who accidentally hit me on the head with his elbow while waving at a friend, and he apologized, saying he had some Batman band-aids.. asked me if I wanted one... He was so amusingly cute. 16 years old, younger than me. We bantered a little bit about NIN, then Tool came up in the conversation and he was so excitedly surprised that I had seen them. (You could tell he idolized Maynard a little bit. :P)

I love meeting people at concerts. No idea what his name was. He was from.. Sapulpa, I believe (a suburb of Tulsa). I should've given him my number.. better luck next time I suppose. :P He called his mom about what all was going on at the concert. Astoundingly adorable.

Oh yeah, the concert.

A Place to Bury Your Head in the Ground

Of course, I mean the cover band, A Place to Bury Strangers. :P They're very much noise-post-punk kind of rock. Their music reminded me of the Drums from Lud in the Dark Tower series.. that revolving fuzzed beat.

Lot of people didn't like them. They had some good songs, and some filler songs, like any band.

The singer-guitarist wouldn't ever let go of the whammy in his hand, which made it look like he was constantly jerking off. I'm sure his masturbation skills exceed his guitar-playing skills.. *snicker*

These two tall, round ladies in front of me made no room for me on the rail, even though I was half of their size. :( *sadface* About hmm, a third of the way through the concert I made it to the actual front row on the fencerail. So whatevs.


Holy F*CK he is bulky. Buff. Meaty. Chunky. There's another word for it.. not robust, although that's true.. jesus I can't remember.

A girl behind me was joking with me about my bad self being so small, and I said, "I'm sure Trent will look at me and say, 'Why is there a midget at MY concert? I HATE midgets!'" and she said, "Well Trent's a big muscley midget too." LMAO

Trent "The Roid Midget" Reznor

This one's probably best picture of the bunch.

I have to say... Trent was jumping around a lot... and his ass is the shakiest thing I've seen in a long time. It's small, but substantial. And shaky. He kept sort-of bending forward with his ass facing where I was and I'm just like..."Trent.. you're blessed... but I would rather see your face and not your ass when you're singing."

Jiggly ass.

Yes, well, anyways: Everyone was singing along. Seriously. Every single song. I was surrounded by fanatics. I only sang about half of the songs, mostly whispered them on my lips. (I prefer to hear the singer sing his songs, but when the crowd starts to participate, that's a lot of fun too.)

I don't do the setlist deal.. (bad memory, can't remember the order of things), but I know they started with Discipline and probably ended with Hurt or some other song right after Hurt. Echoplex was one of the last songs. There was Head Like a Hole, Only, probably a few Year Zero songs (I know God-Given was one of em), Survivalism, maybe Capital G if I remember right, Closer (which they played at super-speed cos they probably wanted to get rid of it early, lol), Wish

and motherfucking


(a favorite of mine)

and The Fragile on piano (no words) (I think? At least a song that's on The Fragile. lmao) edit: YES IT WAS "THE FRAIL" CLOSE ENOUGH LOL

I don't think he played Lights in the Sky though. Weird. (That's the name of the tour and he didn't play that song? WHAT!?!?!)

Maybe some Ghosts songs, too. I haven't heard that record so I'm not for sure. But there were probably 5-6 instrumentals.

And now the visuals.

Electronic candle-light. Beautiful.

The venue we were at.



There'll be some more details when I get some more time to post 'em.

trent reznor, concert, music, nine inch nails, review, nin, holy crap

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