Title: “I’ll Lay Your Soul to Waste” is a lyric from the song “Sympathy For the Devil” by the Rolling Stones, continuing in the proud tradition of SPN and this series of using classic rock songs for titles and sound tracks. Additionally, “Sympathy For the Devil” was used as episode titles of both SPN (5.01) and CM (2.15) and the song itself was also used in CM 2.15.
“Reid took off his glasses, examined them critically and began to clean them with the edge of his shirt.” Yes, Reid is Giles, only slightly less British (however, just as prone to getting himself captured and getting head injuries).
“… failing that, maybe he can just invent a perception filter and everyone will ignore him whenever he wants.” Reid would try to invent Doctor Who technology, don’t tell me he wouldn’t.
“… calling Jenny Ushkowitz for his first booty call when he was fifteen.” Jenna Ushkowitz is the actress who plays Tina on Glee. I just think she’s the kind of awesome lady Dean would be dying to meet (perhaps giving rise to Dean’s later fascination with Busty Asian Beauties).
“… like he’s found the lost episodes of Doctor Who on Bluray.” Early episodes of the BBC’s show “Doctor Who” were wiped by the BBC to save money and no remaining video or film of those episodes remains. Of the 253 episodes aired in the 1960s and 1970s, 108 are missing. In my fanon, Garcia, Prentiss, and Reid are all massive Doctor Who fans (and Reid is a Doctor Who fan in cannon, so it’s not inconceivable).
Cady Stanton is indeed a twisted homage to Elizabeth Cady Stanton, one of the leading figures in America’s early women’s rights movements. She was also a supporter of temperance, hence the OC sobering up.
The victim and families (Dan Needham, Tabitha Gravesend, John Wheelwright, Randy White, Ginger Brinker-Smith, Louis Merrill, Mary-Beth Baird, Detective Irving, Mitzy Lish, Mrs. Walker, and Hester Eastman) are all characters or tributes to characters/authors from the awesome novel “A Prayer for Owen Meany” by John Irving (which, of course, takes place in New Hampshire).
Aaron’s Rod: SPN used the “Staff of Moses” as the weapon, but I chose to use Aaron’s Rod instead. Aaron is, obviously, Moses’ brother who had a staff (or rod - which I used because it’s funnier) of his own. This rod was spoken of as having great power *and* was used by people not Aaron in the Bible, which made me think it’d be a more effective weapon.
“… he’s behind me isn’t he?” and “share a profound bond” are both jokes stolen from SPN 6.03 because they were too good not too.
“… interrupting the stranger’s rant on the brilliance of John Locke.” Balthazar is a tricky guy. He could be referring to the English philosopher John Locke, the father of Liberalism, who wrote that in the natural state all men are equal and independent and everyone has the right to defend his “life, health, liberty, or possessions” (something that strikes me as pretty important to a guy now intoxicated with the implications of free will). Or he could be referring to John Locke, the dude from Lost. Too bad Hotch interrupted his rant. Now we’ll never know.
“… moving towards Francis Willughby’s room” Francis Willughby was an English ornithologist who studied the breeding of sea birds. His work with John Ray on 1676’s Ornithologia libri tres (published two years after his death) revolutionized ornithological taxonomy by organizing species according to their physical characteristics.
“He wanted vengeance, I just gave him a weapon - he didn’t have to use it.” Yes, the parallels to the arguments against gun control in the United States were intentional in this scene.
“… angels kept popping up like daisies?” Oblique reference to Mulan, horray!
“And thou shalt speak unto him, and put words in his mouth,” he said between gasps of laughter. ‘And I will be with thy mouth, and with his mouth, and will teach you what ye shall do.’” Exodus 4:15-16, King James Bible. Supposedly the words of Aaron, Moses’ brother, who performed signs before his people, impressed them with a belief in the reality of the divine mission of both brothers.
“You know, humor is an almost physiological response to fear,” Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without a County. Spencer is also a member of the “we love Kurt Vonnegut” club (along with Prentiss, Dean, and Morgan - who sadly is stuck in the desert and isn’t around to revel in the geekery. Sorry dude).