(no subject)

Jan 09, 2008 09:13

1. Leave me a casual comment of no particular significance, like a lyric to your current favorite song, your favorite kind of sandwich, or maybe your favorite game. Any remark, meaningless or not.
2. I will respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. Include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in your own post.
5. When others respond with a desultory comment, you will ask them five questions

yaoi_anti_drug asked me these questions;
1. What drew you to Mylar?; I honestly have no idea. It appealed to me... the odd sort of connection between them. A kind of connection that isn't familial or all fluffy bunny rabbits and strawberry kisses. Their relationship is blatantly something of the fucked up variety, even in canon. It feels almost kind of real. And well... call me shallow, but Sylar and Momo are pretty damn hot. And their personalities are smokin' XD
2. What was the first fic you ever wrote (whether posted or not..); Er... I don't even want to say... it's way too embarassing. Cough Lost Boys fic cough.
3. When did you first write a 'fucked up' fic? (I'm curious..XD); Ah, that one's obvious. It's this years english coursework XD Basically... the character is crazy and tears his own heart out. Then burns to death. It's all a bit strange, really, but there you go. I dunno if you can even call it 'fucked up', really. Which kickstarted the Mylar, of course.
4. When did you first get into slash and what caused it?; Rp, basically. I was asked to do slash ooc and back then I really just couldn't say no to a nice person. I'm terrible. But I liked it... and it went on from there. Never looked back xD SLASH ALL THE WAY.
5. How many slashy friends do you have (if any)?; All of my online friends are... but only about one or two of my rl friends are. I only just got Dan into Petlar, so *shudders* sad times. Sad sad times.
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