Julie's Sun Sign is Gemini ...

Jul 19, 2003 18:22

Sun in Gemini, Moon in Cancer

You were born with the Sun in Gemini and the Moon in Cancer. Your personality comes under the rulership of the Moon which indicates one who is attached to the comforts of her home life. You are friendly in manner and gesture. You are highly sensitive to nature and your surroundings. You should be careful not to fall under the influence of other people so readily.

You have the capacity to escape the confines of self and empathize fully with the feelings of others. The Moon in cancer always creates a personality overflowing with sensitivity and emotions. In order to feel secure it is very important that you have your family and social affairs completely settled and running smoothly.

Coming under the influence of the Sun in Gemini, your core is intellectual, seemingly in opposition to your personality. Internally you are less emotional than appears by the role you have assumed in society. You need to have more determination and self-reliance in whatever you do.

The key to a better integration of your personality is to become more detached and independent of your family and home affairs and to acquire a more solid psychological focal point, so that you follow your goals with more determination.

Ascendant in Cancer, Moon in the First House

At the time of your birth the zodiacal sign of Cancer was ascending in the horizon. Its ruler the Moon is located in the first house.

Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiacal belt and its natives are under the rulership of the Moon. Your life will be full of changes and intermittent periods of activity and relaxation. Your vulnerability to external influences makes you subconsciously imitate the manners and ways of those with whom you relate.

In many instances, circumstances will require that you play the role of worldliness and sophistication but under the mask there will exist a very sensitive human being who is easily offended, and also very perceptive of the more subtle influences and impressions, as well as of psychic vibrations.

Cancer gives the tendency to completely retreat when hurt or frightened of a situation. This happens to you often because you tend to interfere in the affairs of others when you are not needed or wanted. Throughout your life, your responses will be emotional rather than rational.

Cancer also gives a tendency for life to be centered in the home and family; your attachment to your private and domestic habits is so strong that without them you could hardly endure. In love matters, you are emotional and gentle.

For the difficult aspects we must warn you against becoming overly preoccupied with trivial details of a psychological nature. Another tendency that you have is to flatter and to criticize carelessly, without regard for the other person's feelings.

Destiny may place you in environments where your natural traits can be best expressed. You will be happier when allowed to be occupied with searching for a person or a thing, though not necessarily in important work.

The Moon, the ruler of your life, is located in the mundane first house. This is a strong position for the Moon and will generally indicate that whatever success you obtain in life is solely due to your own effort and ability.

You appear to be someone with whom it is easy to relate. Your disposition is exceedingly sensitive and sensible and very affected by all opinions and cliches that you pick up. You feel compassion for those who suffer and are very apt to have a humane understanding of problems and of psychological complexities. When free to express yourself, you display a fanciful flair, imagination and a creative spirit.

Public opinion and rumors are constantly awakening your interest; you strive to be involved in all sorts of organizations as well as to make the acquaintance of well known personages.

In your inner self you possess a tenacious, persistent and determined disposition with a great power to cling to a single idea or person. Your nature is hypersensitive to psychic influences; you can practically feel the vibrations of a place or person as if they were physical quantums of energy.

Note: The Moon is technically near the end of house 12 and is therefore interpreted in house 1.

Moon in the First House

The Moon is in the first house. This position indicates that you are strongly influenced by your feelings and moods.

Your awareness of yourself is influenced by your momentary feelings, and this perception is subject to rapid changes of mood and emotion. In time, you will learn to understand why you react as you do to various situations, and then you can begin to change your response patterns and take more control of your life.

Others sense your lack of emotional self-sufficiency and tend to get involved in your personal affairs, even if you try to prevent it. You express your sensitivity through an emotional need to nurture and be nurtured by others. While you would like to have guidance and supervision concerning your goals and objectives, it would be better to achieve your aims independently so that you will not feel obligated to others.

The advantage of this position lies in your ability to sense other people's needs and desires.

In fact, you have a calming effect on people who are under stress, and this makes you ideally suited for working with the public.

Note: The Moon is technically near the end of house 12 and is therefore interpreted in house 1.

Moon Conjunct Ascendant

The Moon conjunct the Ascendant shows that you have some emotional hangups. You want close, intimate contacts with others, but you tend to keep people at arm's length because you are afraid you will become obligated to them.

You are a mass of contradictions - making demands on people but complaining when they do the same to you; expecting others to make overtures to you and withdrawing when they do. Although you are highly imaginative, you react to stimulating people in a generally negative and critical way.

On the surface you are independent, but you yearn for a quieter role in which you can enjoy the comfort of knowing that someone really cares for you. This can only happen when you lower your defensive barriers and learn to compromise by meeting people halfway.

Saturn in the Fourth House

Saturn was found in the fourth house at the time of your birth. With this placement you may have the feeling that duties and obligations in your early childhood conflicted with your innermost emotional needs. Consequently, you felt frustrated and misunderstood. This could lead to a sense of fear and distrust in the world that is not conducive to success in human relations and communications.

However, this does not have to be the case. Although you may feel that your personal freedom is hindered, Saturn can lead you to a better understanding of what causes these emotions. You have the ability to learn a lot about your inner self and about what you need to find emotional security. If you accept Saturn's challenges, you will be able to do or leave things at your own volition. It is only your inner duties and obligations you have to answer to.

Venus in the Tenth House

Venus was found in the tenth house at the time of birth.

You will appear as a person who seeks harmony, inclined as you are to observe the aesthetic value of all things in life, to engage in artistic activities and to possess all that is lovely and beautiful. You have sufficient potential to achieve success in life, especially if your occupation is artistic or musical.

Much of your success is a consequence of applied interest and hard work; you posses merit and ability, and your congenial, intelligent manner produces a very exalted image.

In any case, there are very good possibilities for the acquisition of some social distinction, a good reputation and financial success at some period of your life.

Sun in the Eleventh House

The Sun was found in the eleventh house at the time of birth.

In general, this is a favorable position. Throughout your life you will receive assistance from persons occupying superior positions in life. After middle age there are strong possibilities that you will gain in reputation and esteem through relationships with people of prominence. Destiny may grant you sufficient strength of character and even opportunities to carry out your wishes to their utmost.

Spiritually, you seem to have a loyal disposition and you are straightforward and honestly oriented. You're very well aware, however, of a sense of superiority and dignity.
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