dude, that world of mirth junk is so sad. its funny that you are allergic to smoke. like, really funny. im sorry about all those allergy things. you and clay better come visit me. because im not coming home for a while. i love you. find my camera while you are in richmond.
Comments 5
its funny that you are allergic to smoke.
like, really funny.
im sorry about all those allergy things.
you and clay better come visit me.
because im not coming home for a while.
i love you.
find my camera while you are in richmond.
You missed the tight party at clays last night, we had like at least 20 naked girls running around his house, stealing giraffes
and danielle thought you were and i quote "tre cool"
whatever thats supposed to mean.
i;m at my moms and everything is fine.
dinner was super good tonight.
and i enjoyed slipping by your work today.
i;l prob call tomorrow to see what your doing.
maybe some panera action?
like not liek me and you kinda action
but like home workaction.
because we both know that that me and you action is never going to happen.
love you kiddo.
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