Jul 05, 2010 23:00
- 11:35 @ smorganunc What for? I hope not Prairie Home Companion! We should buy those soon... #
- 13:51 This traffic is totes miz. So bad that I can text while sitting still on the highway. #
- 14:15 @ lindsay_eney Haha after I toss Claire out at the rest stop, I'll take you up on that offer! #
- 22:26 @ lindsay_eney Oh it was so wonderful :] Miss you! #
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Jul 04, 2010 23:00
- 02:52 It's finally time for bed. Luckily, I don't have to get up until 9:40. One of the many benefits of a low-maintenance bride. #
- 08:36 I'm trying to go back to sleep but, ummmm, MY BEST FRIEND IS GETTING MARRIED TODAY. #
- 10:52 Leanne just told the mother of the bride to "do your thing, girl." It's going to be a good day. #
- 11:55 We're leaving
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Jul 03, 2010 23:00
- 08:57 It's bachelorette day! Decorating the Suburban, breakfast, bowling, lunch, nails, dinner, concert, ice cream party. Whew! #
- 11:25 We've got shirts and we're ready to go! twitpic.com/222zyp #
- 12:37 I just bowled a strike. Wow, this really IS a magical day! #
- 12:47 We're on the fifth frame and my score is already my average final score.
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Jul 02, 2010 23:00
- 10:21 On my way to pick up Leanne! #
- 13:38 It is wedding MANIA here! Off to decorate the reception venue, then the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner! #
- 16:12 It's place card mania up here! twitpic.com/21ubw2 #
- 16:17 Oh, it looks like there's going to be a wedding here this weekend... twitpic.com/21ud5l #
- 18:49 Time to fake-walk down the aisle! #
Jul 01, 2010 23:00
- 09:05 @ blurosepix Do ittttttt! #
- 09:07 @ ihatesomuch So is @MMRAW, aka Mia Michaels! #
- 12:42 This time tomorrow, I will be with two of my fave people on the planet at the SAME TIME. The last time this happened? 13 months ago #excited #
- 12:44 Let me clarify: the last time I was with these *specific* fave people at the same time was 13 months ago... #
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Jun 30, 2010 23:00
- 06:30 @ lindsay_eney The inconsiderate girls upstairs are blaring "Back at One," and even though I want to strangle them, it made me think of you. #
- 06:49 @ lindsay_eney I'm not sure why ANYTHING is necessary at 630, but they think running, jumping, screaming and laughing are also top priorities #
- 13:33 Watching a toddler eat rice with a fork is
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Jun 29, 2010 23:00
- 00:42 I have an unrelenting desire to buy an old church and turn it into a house, and an old diner and turn it into an A+ youth hangout spot. #
- 08:19 I'm skeptical about my ability to sit still at any point for the next three days. #
- 19:11 If I had to pick one celebrity to look like, I'm pretty sure it would be Mariska Hargitay. LOVE. #
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Jun 28, 2010 23:00
- 00:02 This is most likely the last night I'll ever spend in the house my family has lived in since before I was born. Holy SURREAL, Batman. #
- 08:49 It's just one of those days. Already. #
- 10:35 Someone reassure me that this summer will fly by and I'll be back at LTSG in no time. Please and thank you. #
- 11:21 Never underestimate the power of a
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Jun 27, 2010 23:00
- 15:43 Just watched my 8-year old cousin's slide show called "Cute Puppies," with categories like "really cute," "super cute," "sleepy," and "fat." #
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Jun 26, 2010 23:00
- 10:18 I am legitimately SUPER excited for some of my assigned reading this coming semester. #
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