Mar 01, 2002 13:00
i need to get away from her
there is only hatred between us
i need to leave tonight.
Mar 01, 2002 12:57
i almost left last night
but i had no where to go
but the streets
i should have taken the streets.......
Mar 01, 2002 12:54
i had a crush
but now i can't stand him
he's always around
i don't know if i like him
wait i take that back
i don't like him
in fact he gets on my nerves
his voice
his posture
every little thing bugs me
why can't i just find that guy
that guy that is for me
damn all guys for being dicks
Feb 22, 2002 08:00
every friday i write something about getting drunk and having fun this weekend, but yet it never happens. so yeah, i want to have fun tonight and i want to get drunk as usual. but tonight it will happen!!!!!
Feb 21, 2002 21:29
always getting yelled at
i can't stand it.
why me and no one else
i am the hated child of the family
why was i cursed,
but now that i think about it
i like to be different
just different
all i have is 6 more months till i'm out of here
i can't wait....
Feb 10, 2002 01:06
i don't know why,
but this weekend kinda sucks,
it was extremely boring
well not compared to last weekend
where the hell are the parties
damn it to every thing
and everything damn
Feb 08, 2002 12:57
okay, i want to have a lot of fun tonight. someone has to call me or else i have to go out with my ex. and i don't want to. someone call me if they want to go out. Hey or even a date.... doubtful,very , doubtful. I've had a shitty week so someone go out with me and lets drink alot. Call me on my cell!!!!!!!!!!!!
Feb 08, 2002 12:57
i like him and he doesn't like me
thats how it always goes