Egads! She's drabbling again! (Holes & Boondocks, this time)

Jul 21, 2004 11:02

For the slash100 candy challenge.

Title: Spoon Envy
Fandom: Holes
Pairing: Hector/Stanley
Rating: PG

There'd been no sweets at Camp Green Lake, of course. But when his mom put the towering bowl of coconut almond fudge in front of him, Stanley realized he wasn't hungry for it.

Hector was. Hector was tearing through that ice cream like it was the first he'd had - ever. Which, given his past, it might've been. When his bowl was empty (and refilled and gone again), Hector picked up his spoon and licked it clean; slowly, thoroughly. Unable to look away, Stanley realized why he didn't want the ice cream - he wanted to be the ice cream.


Title: Rainbow Damage Control
Fandom: Boondocks
Pairing: Huey/Caesar
Rating: G

"You gave him Skittles." Caesar shakes his head. "Your brother catches us making out, and you give him Skittles."

Riley zips past, screaming.

Huey shrugs. "He likes Skittles."

"Huey! He caught us making out!" Riley zips past, waving his arms. "What are we going to do?"

Huey squeezes Caesar's knee. "Sit back and enjoy the show."

Caesar crosses his arms and looks at Huey with narrowed, suspicious eyes. "What show?"

As they watch, Riley zips past, slams into a tree, and falls down cold. Huey grins. "Think he's going to remember anything about us making out when he wakes up?"

the boondocks, holes, slash

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