From the "Your intense anger amuses me" department...

May 27, 2011 03:52

It's been a long time since someone told me to go fuck myself.

Kelsey's been teaching a SAT prep class all semester, and it's been hell. It's a high school credit, but her students just don't give a shit. They took their final last week, and the highest grade (out of 100, mind you) was a 45. That class ends Wednesday, which happens to be ladies night at a dance hall we like. I thought it'd be fun to get a few of her friends together, so I texted them to see if they were interested.

Enter more backstory: One of the girls I texted was one of Kelsey's bridesmaids. This was the same one who hosted Kelsey's bachelorette party, and did such a bad job planning it that calling it half-assed is being generous. Quarter-assed, maybe. There were no games, no alcohol, and no presents. (That annoyed me, because a month before I'd sent her a link to a lingere website saying "Kelsey doesn't like or want Victoria's Secret, here's a few things she would like.)

So at our wedding reception, this same girl gets it into her head that the maid of honor needs to make a speech. (Only the best man was going to speak, and briefly at that. We wanted lots of dancing, not talking.)
Apparently this was because she had recently attended a wedding were all of the bridal party each spoke, and she wanted a turn in the spotlight or something. I don't know for sure. What I do remember is that she was insisting that we do something neither Kelsey nor I had any interest in. Public speaking is an acquired skill, and I really didn't want 6 different people rambling and droning or nervously stuttering out an impromptu speech.
I told her it wasn't her call, and she kept pushing, saying this was how Kelsey wanted it. (Keep in mind, Kelsey is sitting right next to me, not saying a word.) So after telling Autumn "no" twice in a decreasingly polite manner and being ignored, I glared at her and snarled, "Sit. DOWN."
She got the hint, and didn't say a word the rest of the day.

Some time over the honeymoon, I started to think that maybe I'd gone a bit far. I pushed those thoughts away with pretty beaches and a convertible Mustang.

When we got back though, I decided that I should at least say something to her about it. In her own way, she was trying to help. I think. So I got on Facebook to write her a message. That was when I found out she'd defriended me. I can take a hint, but Kelsey likes her, so that was all the more reason to say something. It was short, and basically said "You and I don't get along, but please don't cut Kelsey out of your life because she married an asshole."
She blocked me.

Now it's been nearly a year, so I figure "What the hell?", and invite her too. After all, she invited Kelsey to her graduation party the week before.
She replied with "Whos this?" (sic)
I wrote back, "Kelsey's husband. The guy you defriended after he told you to quit trying to run his wedding reception. So. Dancing? Interested?"
Her response: "No go fuck yourself and leave me the hell alone"

As I am well aware, there is no substitute for face to face conversations. Unless you're deaf. If there are multiple ways to interpret someone's words, people always choose the one that they find most offensive. So clearly, my text carried such hatred and vitriol that she had no choice but to respond as she did. I mean, how much must I hate this woman, that I invite her dancing?


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