You: Hello
You: I'm terrible at starting conversations
Stranger: hey
Stranger: same here, dont worry haha
Stranger: ummmmm whats ur name? :)
You: Aha, you're female
Stranger: yes.. how did u know? haha
You: men never say "ummm" or use smileys. At first I thought you were a man because generally they avoid lol in favor of haha
You: and you must be a native english speaker
You: because you only shorten very short words
You: My name is Holmes
Stranger: haha, wow! Your could at this :) haha, ohh cute name :)
You: Also you're relatively young. under 19, I would think
You: Interestin homophonic confusion, mixing could with good
You: What's your name?
Stranger: sure am.. im 17.. my names jayne..
Stranger: haha whoops sorry :)
You: I thought your name would have an unusual spelling
You: Your parents were probably in their late twenties or early thirties when you were conceived
Stranger: ok... your freaking me out.. how do you know so much? haha
You: Old enough to want to give you a sensible name, but young enough to want your name to be unique.
You: I can also tell that you are of non hispanic or african descent
You: Because Jane is an exceedingly anglo name. Probably british or from a place with strong English influence.
Stranger: im australian.
You: Yes, that makes sense.
You: Lovely name, by the way.
Stranger: where u from? how old are you?
Stranger: haha thank you :)
You: Can't you guess? it's terribly fun, lol
Stranger: haha i cant!! im not good like you.. ummm 20?
You: I'm American, and I am exactly twenty! Good for you.
Stranger: yay! i got it right.. go me :)
You: now, am I a boy or a girl?
Stranger: booooyyy?? :s haha
You: I tried to mislead you with the name Holmes, which is the last name of Sherlock Holmes, a man, but I used lol to hint that I am, in fact, femaleStranger: Cooool haha
You: Well, I must be off, Jayne. Say hello to tarzayn for me.
You have disconnected.