unadulterated, no strings attached, no cracks in my heart - single for the first time in over a year. i feel GREAT! also, i tried to cut... it didn't work - sorry...
freewms (6:08:16 PM): well, I
freewms (6:08:27 PM): am sorry to hear you'll be leaving. It's been nice having you around.
juliatbwa1 (6:13:44 PM): lol - thanks for saying so, even if i know it's not true
freewms (6:14:00 PM): what do you mean?
freewms (6:14:11 PM): I've enjoyed our friendship, strange and back-and-forth though it's been
juliatbwa1 (6:15:36 PM): sigh, i'm not trying to start a fight, or even a discussion really - i just did a lot of thinking about my life over this break. what it's been, who's been in it, what i want from it
juliatbwa1 (6:15:59 PM): and to be honest - i let you treat me in ways that i don't let my friends treat me, let alone ppl i'm having sex with
juliatbwa1 (6:16:04 PM): and that's my fault
juliatbwa1 (6:16:07 PM): i know that part
juliatbwa1 (6:16:24 PM): but i'm cleaning up my life, and leaving the ppl there that want to be there
freewms (6:16:28 PM): listen, I really do regret how things ended last year
juliatbwa1 (6:16:29 PM): and i don't think you're actually it
freewms (6:16:39 PM): and I am sorry for that
freewms (6:16:58 PM): and I've been grateful that you haven't written me off entirely
juliatbwa1 (6:17:30 PM): free, you don't get it
juliatbwa1 (6:17:44 PM): when i told you at the begginning of the summer that you don't think of me when i'm not there
juliatbwa1 (6:17:47 PM): that's what i mean
juliatbwa1 (6:17:49 PM): i expect more
juliatbwa1 (6:17:56 PM): from everyone in my life
juliatbwa1 (6:18:01 PM): i'm sorry, but that's the way i feel
freewms (6:18:21 PM): well, I'm not sure what you mean by that
freewms (6:18:41 PM): I mean, I think that I figured out from last year that dating wasn't really going to work for us
freewms (6:18:48 PM): so I don't think of you when you're not there in that way
freewms (6:18:55 PM): but I still value our friendship
juliatbwa1 (6:18:57 PM): that's not what i'm talking about
juliatbwa1 (6:18:59 PM): no you don
freewms (6:19:00 PM): I enjoy our conversations
juliatbwa1 (6:19:00 PM): t
juliatbwa1 (6:19:12 PM): you value our friendships when their is something in it for you
juliatbwa1 (6:19:16 PM): and that's fine
juliatbwa1 (6:19:19 PM): that's who you are
freewms (6:19:22 PM): well, we all do that
juliatbwa1 (6:19:26 PM): no
juliatbwa1 (6:19:27 PM): we don't
freewms (6:19:29 PM): but we don't do that exclusively
juliatbwa1 (6:19:36 PM): but you do
freewms (6:19:44 PM): there's no such thing as an entirely selfless friendship
juliatbwa1 (6:19:50 PM): i'm not saying ther eis
freewms (6:19:55 PM): and I'm sorry if I've been insufficiently attentive
juliatbwa1 (6:20:00 PM): but there is one inwhich you both care about each others feelings
juliatbwa1 (6:20:04 PM): and you don't care about mine
freewms (6:20:15 PM): I do care, Reesa
freewms (6:20:24 PM): I was unaware that I'd done anything to harm them
freewms (6:20:32 PM): other than the way I handled things last year
juliatbwa1 (6:20:35 PM): free, i'm not mad - truley, i'm not
juliatbwa1 (6:20:39 PM): it's just that
freewms (6:20:40 PM): and if I have, you should clue me in
juliatbwa1 (6:20:41 PM): ...
freewms (6:20:42 PM): somehow
juliatbwa1 (6:20:52 PM): your not the kind of person that i would ever consider a good friend
juliatbwa1 (6:21:03 PM): and i don't knwo how to explain it
freewms (6:21:06 PM): cause one can only be so attentive to feelings that are not immediately apparent
juliatbwa1 (6:21:14 PM): i mean, i have tried before, but it never seems to actually get through to you
juliatbwa1 (6:21:23 PM): and again, that's fine
juliatbwa1 (6:21:25 PM): that's who you are
freewms (6:21:25 PM): well, how so?
juliatbwa1 (6:23:31 PM): really?
freewms (6:23:38 PM): what?
juliatbwa1 (6:23:46 PM): how about - when was the last time you just called me to find out how i was
juliatbwa1 (6:23:47 PM): ?
juliatbwa1 (6:23:52 PM): when sex wasn't on the table
juliatbwa1 (6:24:07 PM): or hell, even texted when i didn't start it
freewms (6:24:23 PM): I dunno, can't I AIM you to ask how things are?
juliatbwa1 (6:24:29 PM): yea
juliatbwa1 (6:24:30 PM): if you did
freewms (6:24:32 PM): well, I do that
juliatbwa1 (6:24:35 PM): no
juliatbwa1 (6:24:43 PM): you start a conversatation about once a month
juliatbwa1 (6:24:45 PM): maybe
juliatbwa1 (6:24:56 PM): it's not a numbers games
juliatbwa1 (6:25:00 PM): it's just the truth
freewms (6:25:51 PM): look, I'm sorry if you want me to check up on you more often than that
freewms (6:26:03 PM): I didn't feel I was being neglectful
freewms (6:26:17 PM): but then, I didn't think we were going to be exceptionally close friends, either
freewms (6:26:23 PM): so I'm sorry if I've wronged you
freewms (6:26:26 PM): but I do care about you
juliatbwa1 (6:26:27 PM): free, that's my point, your not - or rather, you don't know that you are
freewms (6:26:31 PM): and I am sorry to see you leave
freewms (6:26:44 PM): though after this conversation, it seems that it's the best thing
freewms (6:26:46 PM): so I'm also happy for you
juliatbwa1 (6:26:47 PM): free
juliatbwa1 (6:26:50 PM): i'm not mad at you
juliatbwa1 (6:27:01 PM): i was never mad at you, you're jsut you
juliatbwa1 (6:27:04 PM): and i'm me
juliatbwa1 (6:27:15 PM): and i want more from my life, my friends and my nnedfellows
freewms (6:27:17 PM): sorry, I thought you were accusing me of being a bad friend
freewms (6:27:43 PM): and perhaps we shouldn't have slept together again this fall
freewms (6:27:49 PM): since we both knew it wasn't going to go anywhere
juliatbwa1 (6:27:53 PM): no, hthat was fine
freewms (6:27:54 PM): but I did enjoy it
juliatbwa1 (6:27:57 PM): the sex is good
freewms (6:28:02 PM): and it's hard to stay away from that
juliatbwa1 (6:28:06 PM): but again, it was all about you
juliatbwa1 (6:28:11 PM): or at least felt that way\
juliatbwa1 (6:28:23 PM): as the few times i bothered to try to iniate, i was shut down
freewms (6:30:35 PM): they were usually bad times, Reesa
freewms (6:30:37 PM): I apologize
juliatbwa1 (6:32:42 PM): but that's the think
freewms (6:32:42 PM): in any case, I need to run
juliatbwa1 (6:32:48 PM): it's not that they were bad times, that's fine
juliatbwa1 (6:32:56 PM): it's that i had to ask more than once to get a response
freewms (6:33:11 PM): look, Reesa, I'm sorry if I've been neglectful
freewms (6:33:15 PM): I can't claim that I haven't been that
freewms (6:33:35 PM): I can, however, accurately claim that i have a lot going on, between teaching a class and taking 3
freewms (6:33:44 PM): in any case, I do need to run
freewms (6:33:50 PM): so I'll talk to you again soon
juliatbwa1 (6:33:56 PM): k
juliatbwa1 (6:33:59 PM): have a good night
freewms (6:34:05 PM): you too