part three: the decline of heather

Jan 20, 2005 22:00

muliebrity posted this list thing. i think it was one of those "here are 10 things about me that you might not know," or something to that effect. here are mine:

1. honestly, i don't see myself as married. when people ask me about the father of my kid, i have to be corrected because i still tend to use the term "boyfriend."

2. i've been frustrated/pissed off to the point of tears at least once a day for the last year.

3. i used to have a nonexclusive contract with a modeling agency. i signed on when i was about 14 and signed my freedom papers a little over 2 years ago. i would've been dropped by now anyway, as i had a clause stating that i couldn't let anything happen to my body.(i.e. piercings and stretchmarks) needless to say, i didn't work much. however, my coolest job was a demonstration for some stylist out of beverly hills. i received $100 and another $100 in hair products just to have my hair cut and styled in front of an audience. i ended up doing the hair modeling thing again for rusk a few years later. to this day, the word "cattle" makes me shudder because i still think of "cattle calls."

4. shortly after i found out i was pregnant, i locked myself in a bathroom for 2 hours, curled up in a fetal postion, and chanted "this can't be happening" over and over in my head.

5. 9 times out of 10, the prospect of oral sex(giving or receiving) makes me sick to my stomach. honestly, i'd rather gouge my eyes out with a rusty spoon.

6. aaron is the first guy i haven't cheated on.

7. the people i know on lj are, for the most part, better friends than those that i know in real life.

8. i absolutely, 100% despise my legs. rarely do i wear anything but pants because a)i'm too lazy to shave every day and b)my knees are beyond disgusting.(i had warts removed years ago and have some heinous scarring.) other than my legs and my face, i think i'm hotter than i really am.

9. my current dream is to be an interior designer. i will grow out of this phase in a matter of months.

10. my dad doesn't know that i have consumed alcohol since the one time he heard about me drinking at a party when i was about 15. a couple of years ago, i went to visit him and had a connection in san jose to orange county. i hate flying so much, that i let some creepy 40 some year old guy on the plane order wine for me. when i landed in orange county about 45 minutes later, my dad asked why i seemed out of it and i told him i was just tired. i think that out of the very few times i have lied to my dad, that was the ony time i actually got away with it.

at this point of the day, i am waiting for ari to wear herself out. it's already an hour past her bedtime, but she napped more today than she usually does. honestly, i'm quite drained myself ... despite my naps on various floors in my house. my mother took everything that i bought at wal-mart and put it at the base of the stairs, leading into the living room. this meant that i had to leap over the massive pile when i went down for ari's dinner. thanks to that pile, i now have even more stuff to straighten and get down to the basement.

i was also told i had to put away the last of the christmas decorations. note that these are not MY christmas decorations. not only that, but i did not unpack them and i did not decorate with them. somehow, they are my responsibility? i don't think so.

ari has decided she doesn't want to play quietly anymore, which means that i need to find some aspirin and get to work on something.
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