Out of Practice - Jensen/Jared, Hard R

Jul 07, 2007 13:52

Title: Out of Practice
Author: thelonejuliet
Characters: Jared, Jensen, Allison Mack, Kristen Kruek, Michael Rosenbaum, Christian Kane, Chad Michael Murray, Steve Carlson, Tom Welling
Pairing: Jared/Jensen, slight mention of unrequited(?)Tom/Mike
Word Count: 4,736
Rating: Hard R
Warnings: M/M sexin' of sorts
Spoilers: None whatsoever
Disclaimer: These people belong to themselves.
Beta: confused_one06 :)
Author's Note(s): Written for mss_celestal! She wanted Dentist!Jensen. And, while there's not much porn in this one, it'll come. This was meant to be a oneshot but has evolved into a whole new 'verse. *headesk*
Also, this is my first venture into RPS, so let me know what you think!

All fics found here.

Summary: AU! Dr. Jensen Ackles gets a new patient. There's an immediate attraction, but can Jensen let go of his past?

He groaned as the alarm clock started clanging, pulling him out of an amazing dream involving…well…he wasn’t sure. But if the hard-on he was sporting was any indication, it was damn good.

He reached over to stop the offending noise and threw the covers off his legs, as he sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He hated mornings. As a general rule, they weren’t made for bar managers/owners. But, this morning was especially dreadful - he had to go to the dentist.

His tooth had been hurting like a sonofabitch for three days and nothing he did worked to take the pain away. So, after much grumbling from his partner, Chad, he’d finally called up this new dentist - even if it was just to make Chad stop yelling, “Padalecki!” at an alarmingly high frequency, causing pain to shoot through his entire jaw. He’d prayed for the past three nights for Chad to get syphilis from whatever bimbo he’d managed to take home.

Still, Chad had said the guy was good, and he’d only been in Austin for the past month, so he had plenty of space for new patients. Though, his name was currently escaping Jared’s mind.

Sighing loud enough to wake both of his dogs, he padded to the bathroom. Turning on the shower, he quickly undressed and stepped under the spray. He wasted no time in wrapping his hand around his dick and taking care of business, part of his daily routine. He came quickly, his cum splashing against the shower tiles and immediately getting washed down the drain. And not for the first time, he wished he had a willing body to help him take care of things like that. It would have been much more satisfying.

45 minutes later, he parked his F-150 in front of the dentist’s office and just stared. Doctor Jensen Ackles. What the hell kind of first name was Jensen anyway? Just then, his tooth gave him a painful reminder that it didn’t matter who the guy was or what his name was, as long as he could make the pain go away. By this point, he was even willing to swear off the pounds upon pounds of candy that he had stored everywhere.

Well…maybe not completely…

His tooth gave another painful jolt and he grudgingly climbed out, heading for the door. He gave his name to the receptionist, who batted her eyelashes and told him that Dr. Ackles would be with him in a few minutes. He chatted her up instead of sitting down. Her name was Kristin Something-or-other, and she was cute. Totally Jared’s type. Dark hair, dark eyes, almost Asian-looking. He could work with that. Too bad she was already grating on his nerves…

A door suddenly opened to the right of the receptionist desk and another woman stepped out, introducing herself as Allison, and called him back. He situated himself in the big dentist chair and went about explaining his problem. Toothache... blah blah blah. Eat a lot of candy... blah blah blah. Take the pain away now… blah blah blah. Seemingly satisfied, she hurried out of the room to find this Dr. Ackles and left Jared to his own thoughts.

As was usual for him, he went through the bar details while he waited - making sure the night’s band was booked, that everything was stocked. They had Kane playing and there was sure to be a large college crowd. He was just making a mental note to call Chad after he got out of the office, when the door to his little room opened and a man stepped in.


Jared looked up, ready to compliment the guy on pronouncing his name right since people rarely could. But his breath and subsequently his voice left him as soon as he set eyes upon Dr. Jensen Ackles. The man was beautiful; he had dirty blonde hair, striking green eyes and the best smile Jared had ever seen on anyone. The white lab coat covered a pair of black pants that Jared was sure would accent the man’s ass perfectly and a green oxford shirt. Jared could see that he was in great shape, and suddenly had the urge to explore every inch of that body tenfold.

With the silence still hanging in the air, Dr. Ackles began to look a little worried about his newest patient. Jared realized that he was openly gaping and nodded his head, clearing his throat to make his voice work. The doctor’s smile grew wider and he visibly loosened up, stepping further into the room.

Dr. Ackles pulled the little rolling stool over next to Jared and looked down at the chart in his hand. “So, you eat a lot of sugar, huh?”

God, that voice; it was deep, semi-gravelly, and Jared’s mind started to wander again. But, he quickly shook his head and nodded again. The doctor laughed and grabbed an instrument off the counter. He reached up and turned on the light above, murmuring, “Alright. Open up. You know the drill.”

He accented that last part with a little wink and Jared could feel himself melting. He mentally kicked himself and cleared his throat again. He was a man, dammit, and he did not get distracted by a pair of pretty eyes. Or pouty lips. Or a strong jawbone. Or -

“Ah, I see the problem,” Dr. Ackles was saying, face too close for comfort and, yet, not nearly close enough. “An old filling came loose and now you’ve got an abscessed tooth. No wonder you were in pain.”


Dr. Ackles laughed and pulled the little mirror out of his mouth. “What was that?”

Jared smiled meekly up at the other man and repeated himself, much easier without the doctor’s hand inside his mouth. “So, what do I do?”

“Oh. Right. Uh…root canal. That would be the best option,” Dr. Ackles said, nodding.

“Root canal?” Jared choked out. “But, isn’t that…really painful?”

The doctor looked thoughtful for a minute. “Well,” he began. “People say that, but really, it’s a lot better than the pain you’ve been feeling. And it’s several times better than our other two options.”

“Which are?”

“Pulling the tooth or cutting into your gums.”

Jared visibly cringed, drawing into himself. “Ouch,” he muttered.

The doctor laughed again. “Yeah. That’s what I thought too. But, we’ll start you on antibiotics today and I want you to come back tomorrow for this procedure, okay? For the pain, I can write a prescription for a couple naproxens, if you think you’ll need it.”

Jared nodded quickly. Yes. Naproxen. Naproxen was good and had to work a hell of a lot better than over-the-counter Ibuprofen. Anything to take away the ungodly pain.

Dr. Ackles gave him another one of those amazing smiles and nodded along with him. “Yeah, I thought so. Now. Do you have someone that can come with you tomorrow? And drive you home? You’re going to be pretty uncomfortable and you may not want to concentrate on driving.”

Jared considered the doctor’s words for a second, before shaking his head. “No, I think I’ll be alright.”

“Are you sure?”

He bit off his angry retort. Of course he was sure. Jared Padalecki could take care of himself, thank you very much. Not that he wouldn’t mind Jensen Ackles taking care of him either…

“Yes,” he stated firmly, cutting that train of thought off again. “I think I’ll be fine.”

“Well, okay then.” Dr. Ackles stood up and gave Jared room to stand up as well.

Jared noted that he had a few inches on the guy, but that was firmly overshadowed when he shook the doctor’s hand and a spark of something shot into his belly. It was obvious that Dr. Ackles noticed something, too, because his smile faltered and his eyes took on a cloudy look. Then, he pulled back his hand quickly and cleared his throat. “Just…uh…tell Kristen that you…uh…need to come back…tomorrow…for that…uh…”

“Root canal?” Jared supplied, feeling the blush creep into his face.

Dr. Ackles gave him a lopsided grin, which was far cuter than the blinding one from before, and nodded. “Root canal. Right.”

Jared smiled back and headed out to the front, barely paying attention to Kristen now, thoughts consumed by green eyes and pretty teeth.

“Mr. Padalecki?” said Kristen amidst his fantasies.

He shook his head and focused on the brunette. She was holding out a piece of paper. “Your prescription…for the antibiotics and naproxen.”

“Right. Thanks.”

As Jared climbed into his truck, he was a little depressed that the rest of his day wouldn’t be nearly as exciting as the morning.

* * *

Jensen threw his keys and cell phone on the table next to his front door with a deep sigh. He hadn’t been able to concentrate on anything all day. Well, no scratch that. He could concentrate perfectly until he found one Jared Fucking Padalecki sitting in his chair. And it was causing all kinds of problems.

He’d left Dallas for a good reason, and he didn’t want to repeat the mistake that had forced him to run away from home. Dating patients was not a good idea, regardless of how hot they were. It led to your ethics being attacked and possible lawsuits. Sure, that may be the worst case scenario, but it wasn’t something he wanted to deal with again.

“Jenny? That you, buddy?”

Jensen shook himself out of his daze in time to see his childhood friend, Christian Kane, emerging from the living room. His brown hair was mussed up, like he’d just woken up. There was already a mischievous grin spread across his face, as there usually was when he had a gig. A blond-haired, blue-eyed California boy, Steve Carlson, another old pal, followed him into the hallway.

“Rough day?” Chris asked, stopping a couple feet in front of Jensen.

Jensen smiled, in what he hoped was a genuine fashion, and replied, “Nah, just the usual. Got a lot of things on my mind.”

Chris let out a loud bark of laughter and headed for the kitchen. Jensen started to follow, thinking a beer might be good, but stopped when he felt Steve lay a hand on his shoulder. He turned around, already resigning himself to the fact that he was going to be forced to have a heart-to-heart. Chris was a good friend, but he didn’t understand some things; Jensen never felt comfortable talking about relationship-type stuff with him. He remembered all-too-well the reaction he’d gotten when he came out.

But Steve on the other hand, was approachable with just about anything; he was easygoing and more than willing to help out a friend - or a stranger for that matter.

“Something happen?” Steve asked. When he didn’t get an immediate answer, interpreting the uneasy tension thrumming through Jensen’s body, he changed tactics. “What’s his name?”

Jensen dropped his shoulders, and mumbled, “Jared.”

“Mmhmm. And, what’s so special about this guy?”

Shifting his eyes to focus on the wall behind Steve, he realized that he had no idea. Sure, the guy was impossibly gorgeous, but that wasn’t it. There were plenty of attractive men in Austin and it’s not like Jensen was lacking offers. But something, something like an electric current, had passed between them the moment they came into contact; he was sure that it was mutually felt. How did you explain something like that, though? How did you tell someone that you may have found your soul mate without them thinking you were insane?

“I don’t know,” he whispered, after a few moments’ silence.

Steve opened his mouth to respond when Chris poked his head out of the kitchen door to announce that Jensen had nothing edible in his house and they needed to order Chinese before heading off to the bar. Jensen, grateful for a distraction, laughed and made his way up the hallway, yelling that Chris just didn’t understand “people food.”

Two hours and three full stomachs later, they piled in Jensen’s Range Rover and headed towards the middle of Austin, to the club that they’d be playing at. Jensen found that he was finally able to push all thoughts of Jared, and the ever-present Dallas, to the back of his mind with the prospect of listening to his friends perform live again. They’d been traveling all over the U.S., trying to get picked up by a major label, and Jensen hadn’t seen them in, at least, a year and a half.

When they pulled up outside, they noticed that the rest of the band was already loading the equipment, supervised by one of employees. “Oh, hey, I guess both of the owners are here tonight,” Chris said, from the back seat. “I thought it was only that stupid Murray kid, but that’s the Padalecki guy, right?”

Jensen’s breath caught in his throat at the name while Steve nodded beside him. He peered through the windshield for a better look at the guy directing the band members. There he was: Jared. At first, he thought he was imagining it, because he had been thinking about the guy, nonstop, all day. But, the longer he looked; he realized there was no mistaking that giant figure. It was Jared Fucking Padalecki.


He must have groaned at the realization because he saw Steve give him a funny look. He tried to give a meaningful look back, saying, “Hey! That’s THE guy,” though he new it was fruitless. Steve must have noticed something was up, though because his eyes narrowed for a second before he looked back out at Jared’s hulking form.

“What’s the guy’s first name again, Chris?”

“Uh… Chad? No, that’s the annoying one. Hmm…starts with a J… Jason? Jerry? Oh! Jared; his name’s Jared,” Chris answered not paying much attention to the front seats. “Why?”

“Just curious,” replied Steve, shooting Jensen a fleeting glance.

“Oh, no, they’re going to break something!” Chris groaned suddenly, hopping out of the SUV and rushing over to help with the precariously slipping amp.

There was a deafening silence in the car for a few minutes before Steve tried, “Jen…”

Jensen cut him off and climbed out of the car, mumbling, “We should help Chris and the guys.”

Steve climbed out of the car too and headed over to join the band with the equipment. Jensen stayed leaning against the hood, trying to inconspicuously watch Jared and ignore all of the non-dentisty thoughts running through his head at the sight. Jared had changed from earlier in the day, now clad in light blue jeans and a tight, black T-shirt that clearly showed off a plethora of muscles that rippled with the slightest movement.

He must have been gripping his keys a little too tightly because all of a sudden, the car locked with a loud beep-beep, which made Jensen jump and Jared look over.

Heat immediately began to rise to Jensen’s face, and he straightened up, hoping he managed to wipe what was sure to be a lust-struck look off his face. Then, to his dismay, Jared smiled in recognition, and walked over to the black SUV.

“Hey! Dr. Ackles! I must admit that I’m pretty surprised to see you at this place. You seem more like a cocktail kinda guy, instead of a mechanical bull.”

Jensen managed to smile through his inward groan. “Please call me Jensen, at least here. And, yeah, well, I’m a good ole Texas boy at heart. Besides, I’m friends with the band. And cocktails? Yeah, a little too fruity even for me.”

He followed that up with a nervous laugh, belatedly realizing that he had completely confirmed he was gay, because he was sure Jared had been wondering. He saw Jared’s smile grow impossibly wider, and could tell that he was fucked, already. He knew that if anything were to happen, even something as small as the right glance, he was going to fall head-over-heels.

He so didn’t need that.

“You with me, man?” Jared’s voice filtered in through Jensen’s head, causing him to visibly shake himself to clear it.

“Yeah,” he smiled up at Jared. “Sorry…long day. Hey, how’s that naproxen working for you?”

Jared nodded. “S’good, pain’s barely there. Though, I think I may have scared my partner a little before with the whole elated feeling.” Then, he laughed, a loud, rumbling sound that went straight to Jensen’s dick.

“Yeah,” he choked out, “that can happen.”

“Yo! Padalecki!” called a voice from the bar entrance. “People are starting fill in; you wanna bother helping me run this place?”

Jared got an annoyed look on his face before he turned to the shortish, blonde man that just looked like an asshole. “Yes, Chad. I’m coming.”

When he turned back to face Jensen, that annoyed look was still on his face now mingled with something else Jensen couldn’t quite place. Disappointment, maybe?

Jared sighed. “Well…I’ll see you in there?”

The fact that he phrased it as a question, and not a statement, wasn’t lost on Jensen, nor was the hesitancy in his demeanor; it meant he was hoping to be able to talk more. And Jensen’s pulse began to race at the notion of more time with the man. “Yeah,” he managed to force out, completely unable to stop the grin that was threatening to split his face in two. “Yeah, see you in there.”

Jared smiled back and took off at a jog back to the bar, leaving Jensen standing like a love struck schoolgirl in his wake. Which Steve and Chris totally noticed, because they came over as soon as Jared had cleared the area.

“Dude. What was that about?” Chris asked, the mischievous grin back in place and a knowing glint in his eyes.

“Uh, nothing,” mumbled Jensen, staring resolutely at the blacktop.

He heard Chris snort, but luckily Steve chimed in before he had a chance to elaborate. “If Jen says it’s nothing, it’s nothing. Now, let’s go set up.”

Jensen looked up as he heard feet shuffling away and saw Steve shoot a worried glance over his shoulder. He sighed and walked into the main entrance of the bar alone, mind whirring at a pace that could never be considered normal. He found an empty table that was close to the stage and sat down, putting in head in his hands and asking his body what the hell it thought it was doing, lusting after Jared, a client. It couldn’t happen again. He’d be completely done-for this time.

A clap on his shoulder startled him from his thoughts and he looked up into Michael Rosenbaum’s smiling, maniacal face, unable to hide his groan. Great. Just what this day needed. Mike.

“Hey, Jenny, what’s going on, man?” he said jovially as he took the seat next to Jensen. “How’s the new practice coming along?”

Rolling his eyes, Jensen answered, “You know perfectly well how it’s going, Rosey, considering you own half of it.”

Mike let out a bark of laughter. “True, true. So, listen, I just talked to Chris and he said -”

Luckily, Mike was cut off from asking about Jared by the appearance of Jensen’s cousin, Tom Welling. Mike had always had a thing for Tom and so his attention shifted immediately as Tom sat down on the other side of Jensen.

“Rosenbaum,” Tom nodded at Mike. “Hey, Jensen.”

Jensen leaned over and, not trying at all to cover his voice, whispered, “Thank God you’re here.”

Jensen and Tom laughed, joined by Mike after a few seconds. After that, they settled into the lighthearted conversation that could only be held between good friends. Steve and Chris, having finished placing all of their equipment, joined them. It was nice, Jensen thought, having all of his friends around him again. Back in Dallas, he hadn’t had that: Chris and Steve were always traveling; Mike and Tom had relocated to Austin while attending college there and both decided to stay. And, after what had happened to his practice back home, well…he needed this, needed his friends surrounding him.

Plus, it lessened the need to turn and stare at the bar, where Jared was starting to serve the college crowd.

After about another hour, when the clock struck 9:00, the band started playing and the little area in front of the stage, presumably for dancing, filled up past capacity. Not 15 minutes later, Jared and Chad, who had some sort of weird friendship with Mike, joined the guys at their table, leaving another employee to tend bar while everyone was distracted.

Jared flashed a grin over at Jensen and he quickly forgot about the band or his friends at the sight. They both tried to make small talk over the loud music, and the only thing Jensen could really think was, Oh my God, he’s into me! His heart - and dick - did a little cheer.

They needed to get out of the bar, or at least away from prying eyes.

Jared seemed to be thinking along the lines of the same thing because after 20 minutes of sweet torture, he leaned over and whispered, “There’s an office in the back, past the bathrooms.”

Jensen nodded and stood up, heading for the bathrooms, so that Mike and Tom could clearly see where he was going. If they noticed Jared follow a couple minutes later, he could care less. He found the door to the office easily enough - the “Employees Only” sign was a big giveaway. He let himself into the office and noticed the large, semi-organized desk. He walked around it and situated himself in the chair, waiting, trying not to touch the bulge in his jeans because he’d much rather have Jared do that.

Even with his heart racing in anticipation of what was to come, he couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed too. He knew there could be something there, should he choose to accept it, and this tryst in the backroom could destroy that.

On the other hand, he decided as Jared walked into the room with lust burning in his eyes, he was about to have some amazingly hot sex. And that couldn’t be a bad thing, right?

All of a sudden, Jared was right in front of him, pushing the chair back to brace against the wall, causing all Jensen’s thoughts to stop dead-in-their-tracks. In fact, words left him completely as Jared leaned over and pressed their lips together, and he let out a moan that was a surprise to both of them.

Jared chuckled against his lips, and mumbled, “Been thinking about you all day, Doc.”

Jensen showed his agreement by sliding his tongue along Jared’s lips, desperately wanting entrance. Jared gladly obliged, opening his mouth, and sliding his tongue alongside Jensen’s.

Jensen pulled Jared down, so that he was straddling him in the office chair, and pushed his hands under the hem of the black T-shirt, finally getting his hands on skin after a 12-hour wait. One was grinding up, the other was grinding down, and they were creating perfect friction. If Jensen didn’t have to face his friends after, he wouldn’t even care if he came in his pants; because it was good and right and a better sensation that he could have possibly imagined.

Reluctantly, he pulled his mouth away from the other man’s long enough to say, “Don’t have much time…they’re gonna wonder…”

Jared smiled knowingly and climbed off Jensen to kneel in front. He popped open the button Jensen’s jeans, and slid the zipper down, whispering, “Then we’ll stick to the foreplay. For now.”

For now was all Jensen could hear…until the head of his dick was engulfed in moist heat and his mind was wiped completely blank again.

Jared sucked the head into his mouth, lavishing his tongue all around. Jensen reached down and threaded his hands through the silken brown mop on the other man’s head, trying not to thrust up. It was tough though, especially when Jared swallowed more of his dick and used his tongue to massage the thick vein on the underside, while one hand began to jack what part of Jensen’s dick wasn’t otherwise engaged. Jared grunted, catching Jensen’s attention so that his eyes, which he hadn’t realized were closed, snapped open again and met Jared’s. Hazel, beautiful hazel.

Jensen laughed. “I guess you want me to watch?” he asked.

Jared’s answer was a playful wink. His free hand began to massage Jensen’s balls, and Jensen knew that he wasn’t going to last much longer. Sure enough, several bobs of Jared’s head and Jensen’s porn-worthy moans later, he was warning the other man of the impending release. In response, though, Jared just took in Jensen’s dick as far as he could.

Stars exploded behind Jensen’s eyes as he came, Jared swallowing every ounce. When he was milked dry and lying back, completely boneless, in the office chair, Jared sat back on his haunches and tucked Jensen back into his jeans. Then he stood up, wiping his mouth and pulled the office chair closer to him, leaning down and easily sliding his tongue into Jensen’s mouth again.

Jensen moaned, slowly coming back to himself, and reaching for Jared’s jeans, wanting to return the favor. Jared gently pushed his hands away and pulled away, blushing something fierce. It wasn’t until he sat back on the large, mahogany desk that Jensen saw that large wet spot covering the crotch of his jeans.

“I…you…wait. What?” Jensen stammered, a little embarrassed himself.

“Those sounds you were making, man…” Jared grinned sheepishly, looking down at the floor.

Jensen couldn’t help but laugh. When he saw the look of alarm in Jared’s eyes, he stifled it a bit and explained, “Sorry, it’s just that…no one has ever gotten that worked up over me.”

“Oh, well…they must’ve been insane.”

And, that shut Jensen up. He looked up into Jared’s eyes and noticed something behind them, something that he’d convinced himself he hadn’t seen in the office earlier that day. He tried to make his mouth work, tried to form a coherent sentence, but all that came out was a strangled, “What?”

Jared blushed and looked away again. “Uh, nothing, just…you seem like a good catch s’all.”

“Oh.” Jensen was going to say something that would have probably made him terrified to show his face in Austin ever again, but luckily, Jared changed the subject.

“So, you’re a dentist, huh? A gay dentist?” Jared said, beginning to laugh at some joke only he could hear.

Jensen could physically feel his defenses go up, and answered, indignantly, “Yes. I’m a gay dentist. What about it?”

Jared continued laughing for a few moments before he choked out, “Your slogan…could be… ‘A cock a day keeps the dentist away’…or some cheesy shit like that.”

Then, he went into more giggling, and Jensen stood up immediately. He was outraged, and, he knew, he was probably overreacting a bit. But after what had happened in Dallas…

“Well,” he huffed, “I’m glad you find it so goddamned amusing. I’ll see you tomorrow for your fucking root canal.”

He stormed out of the office, ignoring Jared calling his name, and made his way out of the bar, stopping only to tell Mike and Tom that he was leaving and to get Chris and Steve back to his place when they were done. He climbed into his car, and sped away from the bar, wanting to put as much distance between him and Jared as possible.

He knew that he was only taking a joke a little too seriously, but after the humiliation he’d suffered back home, after he’d come out…he figured it was to be expected. It’s not like it was Jared’s fault. But after the next morning’s procedure, they’d likely never see each other again, so it wasn’t like it really mattered.

At least that’s what he told himself as he climbed into bed later that night. Whatever he’d thought was special about Jared was surely ruined now. But, it was better that way. No strings attached, he wouldn’t be putting his job on the line again, and, hey, he got a nice blowjob out of it, right?

But, he still couldn’t stop thinking about those damned hazel eyes…those large hands…the feel of Jared’s muscles underneath his fingers…those luscious, pink lips…

Well, one thing was for certain: No matter what happened, Jensen was well and truly fucked.

Please review! Feedback is one of the major foodgroups! Or, so I've heard...

jensen, jared/jensen, steve carlson, dentist!verse, tom welling, fanfic, rps, christian kane, jared, mike rosenbaum

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