Title: Down to the Root
thelonejuliet Characters: Jared, Jensen, other CW actors
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Word Count: 3,579
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: M/M sex, slight bit on angst going on
Disclaimer: These people belong only to themselves, folks. What I'm making them do, well, yeah, that's all in my sick head.
confused_one06Author's Note(s): Second part of the
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Comments 78
Thanks for reading, doll! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)
Anyway, Yay! Hot sex, sweet boys, and I remember you telling me that there are two more parts of this (at least) so plenty of time for them to get in trouble again. Yes.
There are plenty more parts for this 'verse! I just have up to two more written! Lol. There's definitely going to be more trouble - because what would one of my stories be without angst?! :)
Thanks for reading! :) I'm glad you're enjoying it! You make me happy.
I don't think you have to worry about being new to RPS, this is awesome.
I'm actually kinda glad my dentist doesn't look like Jensen. Have you ever seen That Thing You Do? Where this guy's girlfriend leaves him for her dentist? Yeah, all this stuff is suddenly wrong with her teeth - it's hilarious. But, I would probably resort that - creating problems just to go in, lol.
And, thank you so much! I'm glad you think it's awesome! :) You make me happy.
They had shecks and I said gasp!
Teehee, j2 puts out on the first date!
Love it!
And, thanks! I'm glad you loved it! That makes me so happy!
Oh, hey, I got your emails and I have the fics sitting on my hard drive. There's been a lot of family stuff and personal issues going on, so I'll get to them as soon as possible, alright? Sorry I've been so unreliable...You'll have them Thursday morning at the ABSOLUTE latest. ;)
I'm assuming you're talking about the picture in that banner/icon? I actually have no idea where it came from - mss_celestal made it for me, so you'd have to ask her...Sorry I can't be of help!
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