Title: The Distance Between Two Hearts - Part 1/5
thelonejuliet Characters: Sam, Dean, OFCs galore
Pairing: Dean/OFC, mentions of Sam/Jess, Dean/Cassie
Overall Word Count: 41,755
Rating: Anywhere from PG-13 to NC-17, in different parts.
Warnings: Violence, gore, language, explicit sex
Spoilers: Anything up to the end of Season 2 is probably fair game.
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Comments 7
She needed a drink. A strong one. Maybe four strong ones.
I guess so do Dean! *giggles madly*
And please, no more tears! This story is awesome. And that says a slasher. *lol*
*jumps to the next chapter*
Sorry bout the tears...
But, thanks! :)
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You named her Becca? Aww.
Wait. She's not, like, a terrible person, is she? 'Cause most of them are. Seriously. *nods* In movies/books/whatever, the Beccas/Beckys/Rebeccas are always the whore/slut, the snitch, the bitchy character - and the first to die. *whimper*
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Awwww! Poor Dean gets his heart broken! And I Becca gets left in the dust! *whimper*
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