cat post

Jan 22, 2008 10:02

so i figured i'd post some recent (and humorous) pictures of loki as of late - she's turning out to be a pretty funny cat. and i promised megan i'd post the cat vs. swan one - so here goes! (excuse the poor quality - I have a terrible camera!)

cut for much kitten-age )

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Comments 9

ravenofdreams January 22 2008, 16:00:12 UTC
Those are great! Particularly that first one of Loki and the swan - wild.
Glad to hear things seem to be looking up!


julita_ January 22 2008, 16:10:26 UTC
thanks! things are looking up - at least i am trying to look at the same things in a different light. and the swan is totally wild - some nights he tries to open the door!

hope all is well with you - how are things at URI?


ravenofdreams January 22 2008, 23:45:56 UTC
URI sucks, as it will always suck. But I might get a office with windows before my PhD!


stormofzen January 22 2008, 18:20:35 UTC
"and then, as many of you, i have a crazy swan that lives near my building"


I'm assuming you meant "as many of you know", but it's funnier this way... crazy swans are a problem everywhere!

PS: Loki in a shoebox = !!! :)


stormofzen January 22 2008, 19:46:56 UTC
PPS: Did the test results come back yet?


julita_ January 22 2008, 20:36:52 UTC
Test results?


stormofzen January 23 2008, 13:38:26 UTC
For the kitty! 'member?


toddpage January 23 2008, 01:45:39 UTC
I have a crazy swan his name is Jimmy!

Shuper cute kittay!


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