SPOILERS and bad Shakespeare scholarship below.
So this would be the act in Hamlet where Ophelia starts talking in floral code. And we all know how that ends. I think the water in the last shot of last season may have been some thematic foreshadowing, like the crows.
Seeing Opie pick Jax up like that? It made my heart hurt. And it kind of made me want to lick him all over. And also to SHAVE THE BEARD already. It was a little confusing when thirty seconds later I wanted to punch Jax when he told Ophelia Tara to Go to, I'll no more on't; it hath made me mad. I say, we will have no more marriages: those that are married already, all but one, shall live; the rest shall keep as they are. To a nunnery, go. get lost.
"I don't need a boy to handle my shit. You stay away from my family." Someone's been taking lessons from Gemma. ...And Stahl just had the exact same thought.
Oooh. She left the nursery just like that! And Gemma just stabbed a guy in his dick! And Tara just ran from the OR! Seriously. My money is on The Season of Ophelia.
"The things you said to me in the hospital" is totally the "Doubt thou the stars are fire, doubt love to be a liar, but never doubt I love". I'm really, really curious to see where this season goes with them both figuratively at sea. And Abel literally overseas. Jax is forced to make decisions. Tara's hanging onto Jax to know herself. I like to think of this show toying with Shakespeare and it makes me smile. Kind of like True Blood but with, er, higher quality source material. What if Ophelia and Hamlet had decided to stick it out for the crisis? And what the fuck is Gertrude going to do when she finds out Claudius is lying through ass about their grandson? And who is Laertes in all this? Opie?
Anyway. Moving on. I'm gonna miss you, Rosencrantz Half-Sac. Ooh! And namby-pambying about decision making. Yes. Yes, Hamlet. Yesssss.
Gemma has a father. This is weird. I imagine her springing forth from someone's calf, fully formed, and ready to hit a groupie in the face with a skateboard. Although this goes a long way towards explaining her weird religious shit. And maybe this goes without saying, but I really wish we could have met Rose. That lady must have been a Piece Of Work.
AAAAAA! NOOOO! WHAT?? Oh he's dead. He's dead too. Both of them. Shit. What now?
chemm80, are you dying? I am dying.
And don't watch the previews for next week unless you want to be spoiled like whoa. LFMF.