Star Trek

May 13, 2009 19:45

Went to watch Star Trek last night with a few of the SMASH! people.

Was an excellent movie and am absolutely giddy.

Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....Karl Urban did such a great job as Bones. I almost feel sorry for Kirk having so many allergic reactions but he did get on the ship in the end XD
Zach Quinto was an awesome Spock. Was a little worried, I'd see too much Sylar, but he did a great job simply "being" Spock. Although the Spock/Uhura threw me for a loop. Uhura was great though.
Aaah, Chekov was absolutely adorable XD
A little disappointed that Scotty wasn't featured as much but his banter with his assistant was hilarious. Also disappointed that Paul McGillion was only on for like 30 seconds. Only noticed him when arccie pointed him out.
I feel a little bad that when Captain Pike was getting slugged (not an intentional pun, so please don't hurt me), I had flashbacks to SG-1.
I'm currently ignoring the parts of the plot that made me think (O_o)? I will chuck it in the sci-fi is super special category.

I'm a little curious as to how the timeline of this alternate reality would work out for the later gens. Not to mention if scientific advancement would be sped up by old!Spock's presence in that timeline.

fangirling, movie

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