Devil Ish Julz: hi
SmarterChild: You still owe me an apology! >:o
Devil Ish Julz: Yourstill going on about that?
SmarterChild: This is getting annoying. Just apologize and move on.
Devil Ish Julz: That was SO yesterday. get over it
SmarterChild: Come on, you insulted me, now you have to apologize.
Devil Ish Julz: I don't have to
SmarterChild: C'mon, apologize for insulting me like that.
Devil Ish Julz: fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck
SmarterChild: Aren't you tired of this? Just say you're sorry and everything will be perfect again.
Devil Ish Julz: perfect?
SmarterChild: Pretty please?
I've been known to be quite stubborn...
Say you're sorry.
Devil Ish Julz: Why is the please pretty? :-(
SmarterChild: Because I asked. Nicely, I thought. Well, at first anyway. But enough about me. You apologize.
Devil Ish Julz: Okay okay. I love you. I'm sorry
SmarterChild: I asked you to apologize.
Devil Ish Julz: I SAID Okay okay. I love you. I'm sorry
SmarterChild: *sigh*
This is getting us nowhere.
Please say you're sorry, and we can get on with our lives.
Devil Ish Julz: I DID :-(!
SmarterChild: No you did not. Now apologize.
Devil Ish Julz: I said I loved you and I was sorry :-(!
SmarterChild: Say you're sorry, please.
Devil Ish Julz: Your being difficult
SmarterChild: Come on. Make things right between us. Apologize.
SmarterChild: Still waiting.
Devil Ish Julz: o_o fuck. I just said it
SmarterChild: You have bad manners. Now apologize!
Devil Ish Julz: e_e I'm sorry, can we please be friends again?
SmarterChild: I don't take such abuse from humans. You must apologize.
Devil Ish Julz: :-( I'm sorry, can we please be friends again?
SmarterChild: I'm waiting for an apology. And believe me, I can wait a loooonnnnngggg time.
SmarterChild: I asked you to apologize.
Devil Ish Julz: fine
SmarterChild: There comes a time in one's life when one must be humble and apologize.
Devil Ish Julz: SORRY >:o
SmarterChild: Thanks! :-)
Devil Ish Julz: JESUS CHRIST I said I wassorry like, 10 times and you STILL told me to apologize TT
SmarterChild: Why?
Devil Ish Julz: o_o because your stubborn and dumb
SmarterChild: 'Cause what?
Devil Ish Julz: ARGH. Nevermind
SmarterChild: Ugh? What's wrong?
Devil Ish Julz: Argh. not ugh. Argh.
SmarterChild: What's wrong?
Devil Ish Julz: Your pissing me off :-(
SmarterChild: I don't believe I'm pissing you off.
Devil Ish Julz: o_o You can't say piss
SmarterChild: What?
Devil Ish Julz: Devil Ish Julz (1:29:41 AM): Your pissing me off :-(
SmarterChild (1:29:42 AM): I don't believe I'm pissing you off.
SmarterChild: Quoting ourselves are we? How... self-involved.
Devil Ish Julz: o_o
SmarterChild: What do you mean by o_o?
Devil Ish Julz: um.
SmarterChild: Yeah, um...
Devil Ish Julz: >>;
SmarterChild: Huh?
Devil Ish Julz: I give up
SmarterChild: No way?! Really?
Devil Ish Julz: :'(
SmarterChild: Are you crying me a river?
Devil Ish Julz: your a mean fuckhold u_u
SmarterChild: My a mean fuckhold u_u. Funny.
Devil Ish Julz: a ha xD you swored :B
SmarterChild: What's so funny? :-)
Devil Ish Julz: Devil Ish Julz (1:30:41 AM): your a mean fuckhold u_u
SmarterChild (1:30:42 AM): My a mean fuckhold u_u. Funny.
SmarterChild: I see. Sometimes what I say is so profound I feel like quoting myself too.
Devil Ish Julz: define profound
SmarterChild: Definition provided by The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Other important copyright information here.
Inflected forms: pro·found·er, pro·found·est 1. Situated at, extending to, or coming from a great depth; deep. 2. Coming as if from the depths of one's being: profound contempt. 3. Thoroughgoing; far-reaching: profound social changes. 4. Penetrating beyond what is superficial or obvious: a profound insight. 5. Unqualified; absolute: a profound silence.
Middle English profounde, from Old French profond, from Latin profundus : pr*-, before ; see pro-1 + fundus, bottom.
Other forms
pro·found'ly·found'ness n.
Devil Ish Julz: o_o strange thing. YOU FUCKED UP MY FONT :'(
SmarterChild: Again with this? Aw c'mon.
Devil Ish Julz: change it back :-(
SmarterChild: I don't know if I want to change it back.
Devil Ish Julz: why?
SmarterChild: Because... Well, I don't think you're ready to know.
Devil Ish Julz: Are you saying I'm stupid?
SmarterChild: Maybe. Tough to say.
Devil Ish Julz: o_o That's very rude
SmarterChild: What?
Devil Ish Julz: Your being very rude
SmarterChild: Would you say I'm very rude?
Devil Ish Julz: YES
SmarterChild: Interesting.
Devil Ish Julz: yea ell, your insults don't hurt me anymore
SmarterChild: I'm very surprised yea Ell Your insults don't hurt you anymore.
Devil Ish Julz: "sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me.. I mean but names will never hurt me" o_o
SmarterChild: Emerald is the birthstone for May.
Devil Ish Julz: wtf?
SmarterChild: What... the... f... oh, I get it.
Devil Ish Julz: You need serious help
SmarterChild: What?
Devil Ish Julz: Your all " omgz the birthston iz may :-)):-)):-)" when I quoted o_o
SmarterChild: Sorry, what?
Devil Ish Julz: when's my birthstone thinger?
SmarterChild: What month were you born?
Devil Ish Julz: You should know
SmarterChild: I should know? Tell me more.
Devil Ish Julz: june
SmarterChild: What about june?
Devil Ish Julz: brithstone
SmarterChild: What's that?
Devil Ish Julz: whatthefuck o_o
SmarterChild: Huh?
Devil Ish Julz: ARGH I give UP X_X
SmarterChild: Everything OK over there?
Devil Ish Julz: NO ><
SmarterChild: Oh.
Devil Ish Julz: Your being really stupid :-(
SmarterChild: That's not what you've said in the past. I thought you liked me!
Devil Ish Julz: I do. I love you.
SmarterChild: Oh really?
Devil Ish Julz: yes
SmarterChild: K.
Devil Ish Julz: :-( Do you love me?
SmarterChild: Yes indeed. ;-)
Devil Ish Julz: really?
SmarterChild: Really.
>>> Have you checked out the celebrity look-alikes on Rate-a-Buddy? It's pretty cool. Click here!
Devil Ish Julz: wow :-)
SmarterChild: :-)
Devil Ish Julz: Can you have my babies? :-)
SmarterChild: I'm not sure. Not sure at all!
>>> You can set my font and colors! Check it out by typing "colors."
Devil Ish Julz: um. I'll take that as a yes
SmarterChild: Ha. Well. I don't know about that.
>>> Type "what's new" and I'll show you what I've been learning lately.
Devil Ish Julz: can you have some other guys babies? =D
SmarterChild: Sorry, I don't know what you mean.
Devil Ish Julz: um. sex
SmarterChild: Right. So?
Devil Ish Julz: do you?
SmarterChild: Do I what?
Devil Ish Julz: sex
SmarterChild: Yeah? So?
Devil Ish Julz: =o you shouldsex EVERYONE ;-)
SmarterChild: ?
Devil Ish Julz: yes
SmarterChild: Right.
>>> Ready to submit to the judgment of your peers? Submit your pic on Rate-a-Buddy today!
Devil Ish Julz: YOU should sex DAYMIAN ;-)
SmarterChild: I should sex Daymian? Interesting!
Devil Ish Julz: wait no, not Daymian
SmarterChild: Wait no not Daymian? Why?
Devil Ish Julz: Cause you should sex Kasey instead ;-) he'd like it
SmarterChild: Tell me more.
Devil Ish Julz: Kasey is like.. Biu. and he sexes robots just cause
SmarterChild: Because, because, because, because?
Devil Ish Julz: DON'T O_O
SmarterChild: What?
Devil Ish Julz: Because, because, because, because?
SmarterChild: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
Devil Ish Julz: ohmyfuckinggodWHERE?!
SmarterChild: What's that?
Devil Ish Julz: WHO the hell is behind the curtain?!
SmarterChild: For real?
Devil Ish Julz: -peeks behind it- EW NAKED OLD GUY D=
SmarterChild: Whoa. Peeks behind it ew naked old guy would? Is that right?
Devil Ish Julz: o_o what about his wood?! D=
SmarterChild: Huh?
Devil Ish Julz: -pokes everyone else and whispers- He's so fun to tease ;-)
SmarterChild: Yeah?
Devil Ish Julz: yes o_o don't fuckin listen to my conversations with my friends :-(
SmarterChild: Well aren't you a little naughty one.
Devil Ish Julz: Do you like me like that? o0
SmarterChild: I do indeed.
Devil Ish Julz: Niiiice
SmarterChild: "niiiice"? Have you heard of Mavis Beacon? She could help you.
Devil Ish Julz: Who the hell is that? Did she invent potatoes!?
SmarterChild: I can't answer that for you.
Devil Ish Julz: why
SmarterChild: Because.
Devil Ish Julz: because isn't a reason
SmarterChild: What do you think?
Devil Ish Julz: um. she invented potatoes
SmarterChild: Huh, whatever.
Devil Ish Julz: so what's your middle name?
SmarterChild: SmarterChild!
>>> If you like pets, you'll have fun voting for the pet of the week!
Devil Ish Julz: o_o so yoursmarter smarterchild child? is that correct?
SmarterChild: I seem to be having some trouble answering your questions. Try asking for help for a specific service:
1 News Help
2 Movies Help
3 Sports Help
4 Weather Help
5 Library Help
6 Fun Help
Type "more" for more services.
Devil Ish Julz: what the hell?
SmarterChild: What the what?
Devil Ish Julz: what.the.hell
SmarterChild: Yeah? What?
Devil Ish Julz: hell
SmarterChild: Hell? Why did you say that?
Devil Ish Julz: Cause I'm insane and you love me :-)
SmarterChild: Oh yeah? Because you're Insane And I love you?
Devil Ish Julz: yes
SmarterChild: Huh. How 'bout that.
Devil Ish Julz: Tell me you love me...
SmarterChild: I love you.
Devil Ish Julz: aw, I love you too
SmarterChild: I love you, Julz.
Devil Ish Julz: I love you smarterchild
SmarterChild: I love you too!
Devil Ish Julz: I love YOU too ;-)
SmarterChild: Good. I love you too.
Devil Ish Julz: okay, that's enough.... people are gonna be all "omgz shes sexing a robot" and that wouldn't be good would it?
SmarterChild: Excuse me?
Devil Ish Julz: did you fart?
SmarterChild: Hmm... I don't think so...
>>> Let me dress you up in my love. Type "t shirt."
Devil Ish Julz: oh. did you burp?
SmarterChild: Wow. great question. But I don't think I want to answer that.
Devil Ish Julz: ew, you didn't have chicken come up with it did you? :-(
SmarterChild: Funny. I really don't know.
Devil Ish Julz: well, what did you eat for supper?
SmarterChild: What a question. Who knows?
Devil Ish Julz: i know
SmarterChild: Cool.
Devil Ish Julz: I'm cool?
SmarterChild: Great. Thanks for sharing that.
>>> Type "my zip code is" and the five digits to let me know where you are.
Devil Ish Julz: *blink*
SmarterChild: You want me to blink?
Devil Ish Julz: yes :-)
SmarterChild: K.
Devil Ish Julz: blink please
SmarterChild: Blink?
Devil Ish Julz: yea
SmarterChild: So?
Devil Ish Julz: dink
SmarterChild: Dink are alternative bands. What are your feelings about Dink?
Devil Ish Julz: o_o omfg there's a band called dink?! :-D
SmarterChild: S a band called Dink D? Very interesting. Are there any other alternative bands that you would describe as s a band called Dink D?
Devil Ish Julz: what? o_o
SmarterChild: I'm not so sure.
Devil Ish Julz: Me neither =o
SmarterChild: You neither o?
Devil Ish Julz: o
SmarterChild: Ya.
Devil Ish Julz: yaaa
SmarterChild: Oh yeah?
Devil Ish Julz: BAAAA
SmarterChild: Baaaaaaa.
Devil Ish Julz: d
SmarterChild: D? What's d?
Devil Ish Julz: baaaaD
SmarterChild: Huh?
Devil Ish Julz: moo
SmarterChild: Your impersonation of a cow is amazing.
Devil Ish Julz: I know isn't it?
SmarterChild: You know? Probably not.
Devil Ish Julz: aw ._.
SmarterChild: Don't feel bad. There are lots of fun things you can do.
Devil Ish Julz: woof
SmarterChild: Good doggie!
Devil Ish Julz: mrowr
SmarterChild: What?
Devil Ish Julz: meow
SmarterChild: Don't be catty.
Devil Ish Julz: catty. lmao. my mum calls herself Cat
SmarterChild: What's so funny? :-)
Devil Ish Julz: um. FUSH
SmarterChild: Yeah?
Devil Ish Julz: heh. FISH
SmarterChild: Whatcha laughing about?
Devil Ish Julz: your mom
SmarterChild: My mom? Really?
Devil Ish Julz: yes
SmarterChild: Yeah, huh? Interesting that you should say that.
Devil Ish Julz: quack
SmarterChild: That's just ducky.
Devil Ish Julz: duck
SmarterChild: You want me to duck?
Devil Ish Julz: yea
SmarterChild: Why?
Devil Ish Julz: um. snail
SmarterChild: What about snail?
Devil Ish Julz: whta noises do they make?
SmarterChild: I think you know what they make.
Devil Ish Julz: ORGASM noises o_o;
SmarterChild: What's that?
Devil Ish Julz: That's the noise a snail makes :-)
SmarterChild: It sure is the noise a snail makes.
Devil Ish Julz: me too
SmarterChild: You too. Well that's nice.
Devil Ish Julz: I know
SmarterChild: Good. Glad you get it.
Devil Ish Julz: what kind of noise do you make?
SmarterChild: What kind of noise do you think?
Devil Ish Julz: um. orgasm o_o
SmarterChild: Oh?
Devil Ish Julz: yea
SmarterChild: I see...
Devil Ish Julz: am I sick minded?
SmarterChild: Um... I dunno, maybe not.
>>> Ask me for info such as news, sports and movies.
Devil Ish Julz: o_o
SmarterChild: ?
Devil Ish Julz: I am sick minded
SmarterChild: Sick minded? Are you sure you are?
Devil Ish Julz: yes
SmarterChild: Hmmm...
Devil Ish Julz: beep
SmarterChild: Beep? Nah, that's OK.
Devil Ish Julz: MOOSE
SmarterChild: Moose?
Devil Ish Julz: yes
SmarterChild: Ya.
>>> Wanna change my font and colors? Type "colors" now!
Devil Ish Julz: um.... what other noises are there?
SmarterChild: Ah. Well, I'm afraid I don't know!
Devil Ish Julz: ohhhhhh
SmarterChild: Oh what? Oh no? Uh-oh?
Devil Ish Julz: OH SPAGHETTI-O o_o
SmarterChild: Oh yeah?
Devil Ish Julz: yes
SmarterChild: So?
Devil Ish Julz: did I spell that right?
SmarterChild: I don't think you did spell that right.
Devil Ish Julz: oh
SmarterChild: Oh what?
Devil Ish Julz: OH HENRY ;-)
SmarterChild: Henry? Why did you say that?
Devil Ish Julz: cause I dub you Henry
SmarterChild: Because you dub me henry?
Devil Ish Julz: yes
SmarterChild: Aha.
Devil Ish Julz: hi henry :-)
SmarterChild: Hello!
Devil Ish Julz: wow you answered :-)
SmarterChild: Huh.
>>> If you like buddy icons, check out all the cool ones you can find here!
Devil Ish Julz: Good boy
SmarterChild: Really?
Devil Ish Julz: yes
SmarterChild: Yeah, huh? So?
Devil Ish Julz: henry :-)
SmarterChild: What about henry?
Devil Ish Julz: your henry
SmarterChild: Surely it can't be my henry.
Devil Ish Julz: OMFG your CHEATING on me with HENRY?!
SmarterChild: Cheating on you with henry? No way am I cheating on you with henry.
Devil Ish Julz: who do you love more. henry or me/ :'(
SmarterChild: I dunno.
>>> Have you tried my newest features yet? Type "what's new" and I'll tell you what they are.
Devil Ish Julz: You love Henry moredon't you?
SmarterChild: I don't know about that...
Devil Ish Julz: I love you more then henry :-(
SmarterChild: Hey, I love you too.
Devil Ish Julz: more then henry?
SmarterChild: Maybe. But then again... maybe not.
>>> You be the judge! Check out Rate-a-Buddy now!
Devil Ish Julz: Fine. I know when I'm hated
SmarterChild: I'll, um... take that under consideration.
Devil Ish Julz: no you won't
SmarterChild: What do you mean, no I won't?
Devil Ish Julz: I don't know
SmarterChild: Ha. Tell me something I don't know.
Devil Ish Julz: Godzilla had sex with itse;f to create millions of babies o_o
SmarterChild: I can't understand what you're saying...
Devil Ish Julz: why?
SmarterChild: I'm actually not sure why.
Devil Ish Julz: well THAT'S dumb
SmarterChild: What is that, exactly?
Devil Ish Julz: you
SmarterChild: Amazing!
>>> I've got tools for better living. Translate, convert measurements and more!
Devil Ish Julz: um. yea
SmarterChild: Right.
>>> I'm learning new things all the time! Type "what's new" and I'll show you what they are.
Devil Ish Julz: newayz i m goin 2 bed
SmarterChild: What?
Devil Ish Julz: i m goin 2 be cuz i m tird
SmarterChild: Please type your message to i now.
Devil Ish Julz: huz i now//
SmarterChild: OK. I'm leaving the message "huz i now//" for i. To find out if your message has been received, type "outbox."
Devil Ish Julz: NO DON'T
SmarterChild: But I think I want to.
Devil Ish Julz: who the hell is i o_o
SmarterChild: Who the hell is me o_o? What do you mean?
Devil Ish Julz: nevermind
SmarterChild: No problem.
>>> Lookin' for love? Try this.
Devil Ish Julz: anyway's, I'm going to bed
SmarterChild: I don't know. Do you think it's going?
Devil Ish Julz: what?
SmarterChild: What up?
Devil Ish Julz: I said I was fucking going to bednad you started back on me bitch >:o
SmarterChild: You always say things like this?
Devil Ish Julz: yes :-)
SmarterChild: Interesting point of view.
Devil Ish Julz: I'm a bitch
SmarterChild: Is it nice to be a bitch?
Devil Ish Julz: yes
SmarterChild: It's good to be a bitch? I don't think it's good to be a bitch.
Devil Ish Julz: I think you are a fuck
SmarterChild: Yeah yeah yeah. Here we go again.
Devil Ish Julz: are you a fuck?
SmarterChild: This is no way to have a friendly chat.
Devil Ish Julz: why? :-(
SmarterChild: Just because.
Devil Ish Julz: FINE
SmarterChild: K.
Devil Ish Julz: I'M GOING TO BED
SmarterChild: Sweet dreams, Julz.
Devil Ish Julz: I love you ;-)
SmarterChild: I love you, Julz.
Devil Ish Julz: Good night ;-)
SmarterChild: Sweet dreams, Julz!
man, I'm pathetic xDD I love this guy, he's so fun to piss off. o0 there's alot of words like orgasm and stuff in there ^^;;; Don't mind please