Jun 18, 2006 03:26
Oh, uh....
[Filtered to Prince Julian ... oh, and to Crow]
Uh... Prints? It's okay if I bring a fiend of mine along, right?
Jun 15, 2006 21:08
Is something wrong? You've been axing kind of weird lately...
May 25, 2006 00:40
[several things kinda messily scribbled/blotted out. Where any handwriting is visible at all it looks a little different from Kooly's normal writing.]
May 23, 2006 15:02
I keep blanking out a lot.... Uh... is something comiung up soon? It heels like I shed be expecting something.
Oh, uh.... Lark, Birdy, are you guys doing anything? I'm kinda board...
May 15, 2006 10:26
Uh.... my heed's been hurting a lot less lately, but I keep blanking out a lot.... and then when I come hack, I don't [Atsirian] know what I was doing...
I keep forgetting sings more, too...
I was sinking [Dentorian] of maybe going to market today, maybe. Lark, Birdy, do you wanna come, too?
Apr 04, 2006 15:02
I can't It's write there
...uh... I don't feel so god...
Mar 25, 2006 00:12
[Filter: Private]
So he agreed to help me...
....he axed like he recognized my mane...
Why can't I remember anything else?
[Filter: Publ Shasta]
...how's it coming?
[Filter: Public]
It... feels really good, to be hack in Colndor again...
Mar 01, 2006 15:44
is it always so dark in hear?
Feb 23, 2006 17:09
Lawson, Leonard, Lilton, Laertes....