if you know me you know I love these survey/quiz thingys...
movie you rented : Brother Bear and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
movie you bought : ummm, that was a long time ago... X2
song you listened to : All Because Of You - Jump5
song you had stuck in your head : I Will Come To You - Hanson (hey, it was Tiffany's fault, she was singing it, and I don't really like it)
person you've called : Tiffany
person that called you : Tiffany's mum called here for my mum, but I picked up, does that count?
movie you've watched : Brother Bear
person you hugged: I dunno???
person you kissed : Sheila... and that's the only person I do kiss!!!
person you went to eat out with: umm, no idea...
person you danced with : I don't do dancing... lol
person you yelled at : probably Alex, because I just came from school and I yell at him all the time in school... lol
person who made you laugh : Laura in School...
person who made you smile : I don't do smiling, so I dunno?
person who said they love you : Sheila...
person talking to : Tiffany
feeling: sick with an headache...
you have a gf/bf : yup, a gf
you wish you could live somewhere else : kinda...
you have piercings : no
you have tattoos : not yet, But I want a cross, to remind me of God's great love!
you drink: nope
you do drugs : no way
you like cleaning : no, I like it clean but I hate cleaning...
you write in cursive or print : neither, I write sloppy!
you carry a donor card: no
long distance relationships: for, I'm in one (sort of)
using someone: against
suicide: against, I know what it's like personally, and I know it's not something to kid around about...
killing people : against
Smoking: against
drugs : against
premarital sex : against
Death Penalty: that's a hard one, no one deserves to die....
Abortions: against
gay/lesbian marriages: depends... I just don't think it should be something done in a church, but, I say that if two guys/two girls love each other, the government shouldn't restrict them to who they should and shouldn't love...
song : anything by Jump5...
thing to do : watch t.v
thing to talk about: music, American/Canadian Idol, or anything that just pops up basically...
sports : Volleyball (playing) Basketball/Hockey (watching)
drinks : Vanilla Coke all the way!!!!
perfume/scent : I like axe for me, but on girls I love Vanilla perfume!
holiday : Christmas and Easter, just cause they have such a deeper meaning then reciving gifts...
ever cried over a girl/ boy : yup
ever lied to someone : I try so hard not to lie, and I usually don't...
ever been in a fist fight /arrested : I've been in a fist fight, but I've never been arrested
first crush: Ashley Burt, in kindergarten, what a long time ago
first love: my first and only... Sheila
most recent crush: I'm going out with Sheila... no need to have a crush!
are you scared of : Whales, The Ocean in General, and I HATE heights, and I am clostrophobic (sp?)
do you look for in a gf/bf: someone who is trustworthy and honest to me, someone who can cheer me up and make me smile when I'm feeling down...
of times I have had my heart broken: I dunno?
of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends: 2 in real life, 1 online
of people I consider my enemies: I try so hard not to have enemies...
1.. What's on your bedside table? my television remote control, alarm clock, my Bible, and my Lord Of The Rings book which I am supposed to have read
2. What's the geekiest part of your music collection? all of it, people call me a geek because I love pop, but I love Contemporary Christian too, and that's not geeky!
3. What do you eat when you raid the fridge at night? nothing usually, I never usually have bedtime snacks!
4. What is your secret guaranteed weeping film? I almost cried while watching A Walk To remember, but that was the first time, and I didn't cry, it just made me feel hurt that this girl died...
5. If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done? my nose probably...
6. Do you have a completely irrational fear? Whales... I can't even watch them on t.v I have to close my eyes...
7. What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moments? this is one point I do smile...
8. Do you ever have to beg? usually...
9. Do you have too many love interests? nope... just one, Sheila!
10. Do you know anyone famous? nope, I did see Jeff Deyo though!
11. Describe your bed: A blanket with a eagle and motor Bike on it, it's hugh and furry feeling and weighs like a ton... they're bunk beds...
12. Spontaneous or plain? somewhere in the middle
13. Who should play you in a movie about your life? I have no idea... (I'd like for it to be Gregory Smith or Shane West, but probably Josh Hartnett...)
14. Do you know how to play poker? nope...
15. What do you carry with you at all times? nothing really, I always wear my #1 Boyfriend pendant and chain... and my braclet, both of which Sheila gave me...
16. How do you drive? crazy... lol...
17. What do you miss most about being little? playing Power Rangers with my friends (and my friends that I had then that have all gone their sperate ways now doing drugs and things, which I never got into and never will!)
18. Are you happy with your given name? no... I'M NOT A GIRL!!! lol... I wanted to be named Kito....
20. What was the last song you were listening to? Way of The World - Jump5
21. Have you ever been in a school play? yeah, I was Jonny Peace (I represented the peace in the play) in a christmas play in grad 6...
22. Have you ever been in love? yeah
23. Do you like yourself and believe in yourself? no, I usually say I hate myself, but I dunno? I guess I sorta gotta like myself even though I don't really...
25. Do you think you're cute? that's a joke, no way, I actually think I'm pretty ugly... but I dunno...
26. Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? I consider myself a nice person really, I dunno what others think but I try and be the nicest I can!